
Monday, June 1, 2015

Mosaic Monday

Lately it seems we are seeing more horses in the pastures.  Some very interesting ones too.


  1. They are all beautiful horses! Pretty images and mosaics! Enjoy your Monday and have a happy week ahead!

  2. Well, I love horses! I've never been in a situation where I could own one, but I enjoy seeing pictures like this because they are such a majestic animal. As always, you captured them beautifully. I see each one's personality right on the screen!

  3. What gorgeous horses and the grass is so tall and lush. We took a drive yesterday and said there were more horses in the pastures here, too. And lots of baby horses! Enjoy your day sweet friend. Wish we could get together to 'play' this week! Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. Oh, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Horses, so I really enjoyed this post - Nice work!!!

  5. The horses are beautiful! Your collage designs are so nifty, too. And I adore your header...beautiful!

  6. Lovely photos. I really like horses and as there are several livery stables round here I get to see a lot of them. Always happy to see more though.

  7. I love when people put the horses up like you do.

    When I find some I do the same. Beautiful animals and so smart.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. It's always great to see horses out and about!

  9. I have always loved horses...a noble and intelligent animal.

  10. It was nice that you could get close enough for some good photos JoAnn. Very healthy looking too, unlike the ones I shared once with their manes full of burrs.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  11. Lovely shots of such beautiful creatures! When I was little I always wished for a horse.. never got one...

  12. There sure are some pretty horses here...they look so interested in you.

  13. Love this. I vote yours my favorite Mosaic at the linky. I am following you now. Come by and see me. You'll see why. Hard to believe these are pics taken in Alaska. We love to watch 'Buying Alaska' on t.v. They show some beautiful land. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great week.

  14. Wonderful photos of beautiful and intelligent animals!
    Have a lovely week!

  15. They have such beautifully coloured coats don't they! xx

  16. While dogs are known as Man's Best Friend, horses must come in right at the top too. I love horses. We have two that live with us. They are elderly gents, but sweet guys. Loved your photos.

  17. The first two selections look like siblings. I am so glad to see horses being better taken care of than barns.

  18. So, so pretty! I love horses,and I live in horse country KY


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