
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June Was a Great Month

Time for a collage of June - so many wonderful days and so many photos to choose from
Happy days - flowers, doll clothes, boats, eagles, cows, more flowers, horses - a very exciting month 
If I had to pick one moment it would be when I snapped this photo at exactly the right moment when a whale came  up on our whale watching tour - I can still feel the excitement whenever I look at this photo.
It was a very good month

Collage made at


  1. A beautiful look back at your month of June. The whale shot is an awesome capture! Enjoy your day and have a happy week!

  2. Ray and I visited friends on Prince Edward Island once. Ray and Doug went out to catch some cod early one evening. Hours later they came back with nary a fish but all excited. The captain had barely gotten out of the harbor when the boat was surrounded by a pod of whales. The whales stayed for 90 minutes or so, swimming around the boat, even letting the people touch them. What a memory! But, no cod for dinner. LOL!
    :) m & jb who cares not a jot for cod or any other kind of fish.

  3. Wow, that whale shot is so cool!

  4. That is definitely "the photo of a lifetime!"

  5. A great collage and a really wonderful pick of the picks!! xx

  6. I loved seeing this review and remembering the stories that accompanied them. I would choose the whale as my favorite too - with the majestic bald eagle a close second!

  7. The flowers and the small dolls caught my eyes on your lovely collage - and Wow - A wonderful shot of the whale! Must have been a great experience!

  8. It really has been a good month and I love your collage. I'm so glad we are having fun with our dolls and sewing, too. I'm thinking about you and your family today and hope you are all together now! Have a wonderful week my friend. Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. That's such a neat collage JoAnn - and your whale photo is awesome!

    June was a great month for me too - now July is almost here along with the heat, humidity, and special family celebrations this month always brings. Sounds like it's warm up your way too!

    Trying to catch up after being away again!
    Hugs, Mary

  10. Wonderful collage...and a great month. I agree!

  11. That collage would make a fine calendar.
    I hope you are far from the fires making the news.

  12. Your monthly collage is a great idea . . . almost like a digital quilt . . I had a foster mom who would make hand tied quilts for us from some of her own clothes (that she no longer wore.) Thing is, every piece of material reminded me of her great love and our good times - kinda like your monthly collage.


  13. I understand why You picked the picture of a whale! There must be something magical in that moment. It reminds me when I saw dolphins becide a boat in Greece few yers ago.:)
    I like also Your collage! Nice idea put pictures this way.:)

  14. It's so great to be in the right place, at the right time, with a camera in hand. Having good lighting is an additional plus. I've been up at the cabin with no Internet for a week so I'm getting caught up. - Margy


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