
Monday, May 18, 2015

A Storm Coming In

Magnificent clouds in a bright blue sky

 The clouds are darker and thicker now
 And here comes the rain!
This all happened in less than 10 minutes  -  when a storm moves in off the ocean it moves fast.

Mosaic Monday 


  1. I love to watch a storm come on from the sea. I hope, though, that re skies will be clear and windless when I land on the Island this evening.

  2. Pretty captures of the clouds and sky! I love to watching a storm moving thru!
    Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  3. We had rain while we were in Oregon for the NCAA Women's Softball regionals. The games were good and we had our rain gear to put on if needed. But it never was strong enough to call the games off. Good thing, the schedule for four teams was really right as it was. - Margy

  4. I love watching storm clouds brewing..beautiful!

  5. A beautiful study in cloud formation! I was just thinking of having a cloud watching afternoon for the grandkids when they attend my first Grandma Camp in June. Who needs to buy a book? I'll just show them this post!

  6. They can come up quick here in Florida, too. It's amazing to see those big thunderheads build and get dark. Beautiful for mosaic Monday! Enjoy your evening my friend. Hugs, Diane

  7. They can come up quick here in Florida, too. It's amazing to see those big thunderheads build and get dark. Beautiful for mosaic Monday! Enjoy your evening my friend. Hugs, Diane

  8. Some days it doesn't take long for a beautiful day with fluffy white clouds to turn dark and pour rain on us. Other times, here anyway, the darkness blows over and the much needed rain is not received.
    A storm blowing in from the ocean must be more unpredictable than one we would get inland.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday JoAnn.

  9. What a great set of photos, from blue sky to closed in and rain. Weather does move in quickly off the water.

  10. Drama! Nice series! I especially like the two shots paired at the end. I'll bet there was a nice rainbow somewhere as this moved on, too.

  11. I can almost smell it rolling in.


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