
Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Barn Collective

Some great old barns, partly hidden behind the lush growth of plants in our area.  Some hidden by wild plants, others by raspberry fields, hay and wild mustard.

 A very old, wooden silo

The Month of May Collage

May was a great month - spring arriving - flowers blooming - all sorts of fun.
We have flowers, birds, Mother's Day dinners, photos of family, boats, horses and barns - and even some long horn cattle.  It was a great month!!

Month in Photos - Pieni Lintu


May Scavenger Hunt

Time for hunting - time for finding - it is May's Scavenger Hunt
 Dessert Plates shaped like Hawaiian shirts
 Desert Rose dishes that I inherited from my Granny, they were her everyday dishes
And Dogwood dishes from my Great-Aunt
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Flowers with a global shape
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A mural of the lake - by Lake Whatcom, painted to mask a storage container
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City bus 
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Only the frame of this barn is left
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A few of the quilts I've made
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On the wall of a cafe in Bow, WA - showing their floors through the years
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Our grandson Donnie, with a ribbon announcing spring behind him
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Whatever you want
The Lupines are blooming

Scavenger Hunt 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Willy Nilly

Some fun for Friday
 The pot of violas that I received for my birthday in March is still blooming - and the scent is heavenly.  I have put it in the middle of the little table on the deck, near the deck chairs. It is one of my all time favorite gifts.
 In our city, Bellingham, Washington, they paint the buses.  I had a perfect view of this one from a grocery store parking lot.  Usually my view is obscured by cars and trucks.  Hop on board - you can ride all over town - go up to Lynden or out to Maple Falls.
 The Golden Chain trees are in full bloom - one day I shall have one of my own.

 A clever idea and a great play on words - a window box!
 This honeysuckle is growing on a fence near a favorite cafe in the tiny town of Bow, Washington
 And the roses are beginning to bloom
Our grandson Donnie - sunshine in my heart!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Good Fences

With all the farms and barns around here, you'd think we would have more fences.  But many of the barns, it could be even most of the barns, are no longer used on working farms and fences have disappeared for the most part.

 I did find two red barns with fences

One with little donkeys - can you find them?  And a field of wild mustard

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's Happy Birthday Time

Today is our son's birthday - he is 48 - wow - how did that happen?
First Birthday - he just wanted to taste the cake 
 It is difficult to find a picture with out one or both of his sisters in it
Tough little guy - insisted on putting his own hat on
 He always loved babies - this is a friend's baby that he is feeding, big sister is watching to make sure he does it right 
 The puppy was a surprise gift from his Uncle Jeff
5th Birthday - Lincoln Logs are in that clown package
 6th Birthday - his first very own bike - he was so thrilled
 And here he comes!!!  He had been practicing on his sister's bike and he was ready to roll.
 In Kansas he took care of this dog for a neighbor
Here he is with two of his buddies
 And two of his cats - their names are Calvin and Coolidge
They were great Kansas City Royals fans, even after we moved to California
 Another baby - our neighbor's son William. 
 Ahhh, a picture without sisters
 We lived in the California desert and rain was rare - so dancing in the rain was the first activity when the storm began
 Carving pumpkins
 Playing a tune on the piano with older sister
High School graduation - he took honors in Mathematics and computer!!
 A growing boy needs his sleep
 Home from college to see his family - and his dog
 He was on the rowing team at UC San Diego - what you can't see in this picture is his cast from a broken wrist - he was riding his bike on campus and was hit by a careless driver
 And he married his wonderful Jamie - in a log cabin church in West Virginia 
Opening their gifts at a reception on the west coast
 Again little kids - here he is helping his nephew Ben "row" the skiff in our yard
His story and his life would not be complete without Donnie!!!!!

Happy Birthday Rusty, we love you!!