
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sunlit Sunday

It has rained buckets full this week - we got well over 3 1/2 inches - and this afternoon the sun peeked out (they call them sunbreaks here) and I rushed out to get photos of the hyacinths on the deck.  They are almost at their prime now - and the scent is unbelievable - even wet from the rain.  The hummingbirds are clustering around the flowers but I didn't get any shots of them.
 The flowers just dripped with raindrops from the recent rain

 The three tier planter is bursting with flowers

 And the scent is unbelievable - I left the door open and the house is full of fragrance from the flowers


  1. Absolutely gorgeous plants, blooms, flowers - and photos!!

  2. Such beautiful blossoms ! I wish I could smell them. I know these blossoms are so fragrant, and they pop up with their beauty & scent just when I begin to despair over spring not happening... yet every year when the hyacinths bloom spring rushes in with their scent.

  3. Beautiful pictures JoAnn! How delightful it must be to look out onto your patio and see this lovely tiered basket filled with hyacinths. I can smell the lovely fragrance of your hyacinths all the way here in Ohio (in my mind anyway). The winter was rough on my mental well being and seeing spring flowers like yours lifts my spirits up and reminds me that the beauty of spring will arrive here too in a few weeks. Not today though, the high temperature will not even beak freezing and a low of 15 degrees in expected overnight.

  4. Such amazing beauty despite the rain - one can almost feel the fragrance...
    Thank you for sharing and have a great week ahead!
    PS Your header is wonderful. :)

  5. I can smell the sweet scent from here! Hyacinths are such beautiful flowers, and heavy too, so I can imagine what they are like with the rain adding to this. Have a wonderful Sunday xx

  6. Luscious! And what a lovely spectrum of colors! I love that scent. My sisters and I picked those stems at grandma's and brought them home. That sweet soul never once complained. She'd be 125 years old if she was still alive, but I wish she was so I could thank her for so many things I didn't appreciate until I became a grandma!
    Wish it would rain here. We've been grateful for the warmer temps and thawing of most of the snow, but everything has that greyish, dirty look and a good pour would probably brighten the green that's finally showing up everywhere!

  7. Glad you finally got a sun break so you could take photos of these lovely hyacinths!

  8. What pretty Spring flowers. And oh how I LOVE your new banner! It's perfect for Spring! Enjoy your day my friend. Hugs, Diane

  9. Beautiful flowers and beautiful pictures!!! xx

  10. Pretty blooms with those rain drops!
    Happy first week of Spring!

  11. I have a lot of wet flower pictures too. Like you, if I wait for things to dry out before admiring them, I'll miss everything. Your hyacinth are lovely.

  12. Sometimes there's nothing better than a sunbreak...except if you throw in the heady scent of hyacinths through an open door. Best to avoid slogging through the puddles and mud for a while. But you have a blooming deck to compensate!

  13. Beautiful hyacinths, JoAnn. Their fragrance is wonderful. Sunbreaks have been happening around here, too.

  14. Great closeups. When we left the cabin last week we hadn't seen a hummingbird yet. Hopefully by the time we get home in about two weeks they will be back and looking for flowers to nibble on. - Margy

  15. Stunning stunning and yet more stunning. We are a little behind you. I have about 60 plus hyacinth in my garden and they are just about coming I to bud. This has made me long for them to hurry up

  16. Wow- your pictures are fabulous, I'd love to see a hummingbird visiting the hyacinths. It's too cold for them here when ours bloom. I bet the fragrance is awesome!

  17. Such beautiful blooms. Makes me wish I had some.
    I saw an hour of sun on Sunday and now my checks and nose are rosy.
    I'm tired of the rain and dreary day around

  18. You've chosen such vibrant colours for your hyacinths! How wonderful that fragrance must be if there is enough of it to waft into your home! Plants look so perky after a spring rain.



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