
Monday, March 9, 2015

Mosaic Monday

This week for Mosaic Monday I thought I'd share some random mosaics.
 In honor of daylight savings time - here's some clocks in our house -- oh how I love daylight savings time
 One of my favorites - shore birds.  We don't have a lot here so it is a treat when we see them.
 I planted pansies in the deck planters today - here are some from other years
 Tulip season is almost upon us - they are stunning
 Pink flowering trees are everywhere in NW Washington this time of the year - the whole world seems to be pink

 The fields fill with wild mustard
A little later in the season there are fields of Allium blooming
And foxglove to look forward to.


  1. Hello, lovely mosaics.. the moon is gorgeous and I love all the beautiful flowers.. Spring is coming..And I am looking forward to the spring migration and return of our shorebirds. Great post, enjoy your day and new week!

  2. Stunning mosaics of your spring in bloom! What a gorgeous landscape; how lucky you are to witness such beauty. Really love the pink and tulip and pansy ones! They made me smile!

    Have a great week!


  3. These are some awesome mosaics. The sujects are wonderful.

  4. Oh I am so envious of all the flowers especially the pansies....

  5. What a wonderful world in pictures! Your mosaics are truly amazing! Love all the flowers!

  6. Here too Jo, the whole world seems to be pink too. One of my friends has invited me over to her place for some tea and to see the cherry blossoms on the street. People come from all over apparently to view this street at blossom time. Better make it quick because I hear there's rain on the way. X

  7. An overwhelmingly beautiful post, JoAnn!
    I could spend all day just admiring your mosaics of pansies, tulips and flowering cherries.
    Thank you so much for sharing this beauty!

  8. What a jolt of colour and promise of spring in your random mosaics! Had to scroll over them a couple of times they were so enjoyable.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday JoAnn. Hope you're back to good health again.

  9. Wow- such awesome mosaics, every one! I especially like the pansies, cherry blossom and tulips! Such a beautiful treat, as we still have 4 feet of snow covering all flowerbeds. Thanks for the treat!

  10. Oh, hooray for spring! Great photos. I feel like diving into all of them, singing.

  11. The mantle clock reminds me of one my grandmother had. - Margy

  12. Thanks for a taste of what we may be getting in another month. I did notice the tulips poking up about a half an inch through the dirt. I really wish we had daylight savings time here. I love the clock mosaic.


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