
Friday, March 20, 2015

Five on Friday

Tulip season is here - the tulip farms will be opening this weekend - two weeks early.  The Tulip Festival in Skagit (sounds like gadget) Valley is scheduled for the month of April, but with the warm winter we have had here in NW Washington State the daffodils and tulips have bloomed much earlier than usual.

We love to take a drive down through the fields - the flowers are amazing. 

1. More Tulips are grown in Skagit Valley than any place else in the U.S.
Massive fields stretch out for acres and acres

 2. The variety of colors is amazing - something for everyone
 3. Yards everywhere are adorned with tulip gardens.

4. One of our favorite yards in our town - every year the red tulips sparkle in this year 
 5. A little rain doesn't discourage us - we are from Washington.  The joke here is that you can tell the tourists because they carry umbrellas.

 Five on Friday - I think I fudged a little on the number - but just had to share the flowers with you.


  1. Wow, such beauty it reminds me a little of Holland where tulips are grown on mass.

  2. OMG - it's just like Holland JoAnn - so amazingly beautiful! Makes me want to hop a plane and head your way this weekend - how I wish!

    My favorites are pink and yellow together, and the pinkish/purple ones which I love planted along with the dark Queen of the Night, eggplant color really although they are often referred to as 'black tulips'. Most of my bulbs are coming up in large pots (I can no longer get down to plant in the ground with my back/hip problems) and they are up a few inches - late due to our severe winter weather the past month or so.

    Raising a coffee mug (I'll make yours tea!) to you and the family - may Spring be always beautiful in the Skagit Valley, which I've only seen in Summer so far! Your blossom header is awesome too!
    Hugs - Mary

  3. Spring must be coming! Love your tulips shots!

  4. Wow, what incredible beauty!!! The colours are so fabulous aren't they. I love to have vases of tulips, but this is waaaaaaaaayyyyy beyond that! Thank you so much for joining in - and for the tulips! I hope that you have a great weekend! xx p.s. love your cherry blossom header picture! xx

  5. Stunning beauty! We've got to wait quite awhile yet!

  6. I didn't know that the Tulip Festival was starting early. Judging by the shots you have here, it's not a surprise. Tulips put on such a colorful show and you've caught it here. Lovely!

  7. Oh wow, what a beauty! And your photos are excellent -
    Enjoy your weekend

  8. Miles and miles of colorful beauty. I think you may have posted a few of these shots before because I recall being utterly amazed at the sheer volume of blooms and the visual impact they make. Holland, Michigan is 30 miles away from us and they host a wonderful tulip festival every year. But we are far behind you. It's not until May!

  9. How wonderful! I would love to stroll around your town, and the fields, too. x


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