
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunshine and Mt. Baker

Our first day of good sunshine in a while - maybe we are breaking out into our pre-spring weather - showers a few days and then a few days of sun - I sure hope so.  I enjoy our rainy winter in the Pacific Northwest and now I think I'm ready for planting some pansies and spring.
 Mt. Baker finally has a good amount of snow - which is good for our summer water.
 Sunshine and reflections on a little, well hidden lake.
 From this view the foothills echo the shape of Mt. Baker
 And the buds are swelling on the trees

Still water on a small pond on a farm makes a great reflection.


  1. Ido so love your photographs. You must be very fond of your mountain - I must say it is a spectacular sight. Red barns are a delight and your bottom photo is excellent.

  2. Oh, that mountain is so beautiful!
    *deep sigh of admiration*
    I wish we had views like that!

  3. How beautiful JoAnn. We see Mt Baker from our neighbourhood. Can you hear me shout 'hello!'?

  4. It's nice to see photos of Alaska. The mountain is beautiful and the barn also. We have a lot of snow here in Eastern Canada. I am longing for Spring. Greetings...

  5. Pretty shots of Mt Baker. You have a lovely view! Wonderful mosaic, have a happy week!

  6. It looks so beautiful to see the snow on Mt. Baker and signs of spring all around. Lovely photos. Have a wonderful week.

  7. How exciting to see a burst of sunlight and know that it eventually will head east to snowy Michigan! Lovely reflections - both literally and figuratively! - of hope in these photos!

  8. Our views of Mt. Baker are similar to yours, but further away. Today is a perfect example of spring weather in the PNW - sun, then cloud, then more sun! Lovely photos, JoAnn.

  9. Pretty, pretty shots! We had a little sunshine yesterday and it was heavenly.
    I've read today that our snowpack is a tiny fraction of what it should be (well under 10% of normal). We've gotten plenty of rain but the snow levels so far have been generally too high to benefit us. So enjoy that snow you're seeing!

  10. I love seeing the reflections..very beautiful! And it's hard to imagine seeing a mountain so majestic when you are out on your drives. AMAZING!!! And what great photos! I hope you've had a wonderful day! Sweet hugs, your buddy Diane

  11. I love those mountain views. Even Mt. Fuji which is so much smaller attracts attention no mater how many times one sees it. I especially love those reflections. All the water will come in handy in the summer.

  12. You are so generous. Great views of Mount Baker, a beautiful red barn, and a pond complete with nice reflections.

  13. You have an amazing view of Mt. Baker and the reflection shots are beautiful. Your photos are a good reminder of why I've always loved this meme of bloggers, professional or hobby, sharing their photography.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday JoAnn and showing your awakening spring.

  14. Wow you have beauty to enjoy everywhere! I can't wait for spring- I'm envious of anyone who is starting to see signs of it already! I love that collage you created- the layering is awesome!

  15. Oh, the sunshine - how wonderful it was, and how great to see what you saw on your drive about!

  16. JoAnn I love your Mt.. Baker as I told you many times I'm sure - and these pics are really so beautiful with all that snow glinting in the sunshine. The third one down with the foothills and clouds is awesome, would be beautiful blown up, or painted, and framed for hanging!

    I wish I had a mountain to view! Maybe a pile of snow by tomorrow will suffice - anything but ice welcomed in this storm now heading here later today!

    Hugs - Mary

    P.S. I had two injections Friday and am getting some pain relief thankfully. Thanks for all your well wishes over these past weeks dear, I appreciate your kindness always.

  17. Hi JoAnn,

    What beautiful shots. Thanks.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  18. WOW what a setting. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  19. Beautiful scenes, all...but that barn/reflections is wonderful.

  20. Absolutely beautiful and I love the barn reflection.

  21. Wow. That is a lot of snow coverage. It must be really spectacular in person, in all the different lighting of each day. The pond reflection is gorgeous too. Thanks for sharing this week!

  22. I always think your views look like something out of a beautifully shot movie!



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