
Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Holiday Visitor

When we came home the other day we were greeted by this cutie

 She has on her thick winter coat aready


  1. oh so sweet. I have never been near a deer in it's winter coat!

  2. Sweet and very fuzzy! We've had small groups of them roaming across our yard lately - up to six at a time. I love seeing them. Nice to know you've got visitors, too.

  3. Awwww!!! What a sweet creature. That's a different kind of deer than I am used to seeing.

  4. Nice Photos - she's dressed for winter!

  5. a lovely visitor and she clearly doesn't run as soon as people appear

  6. Cute closeups of the deer, she is pretty. Happy weekend... Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. We live on a small lake and used to have deer in our woods often. However, people have built fences and we do not see them any longer. Certainly, enjoyed seeing this one - great photo!!

  8. Awe, she's so lovely - and wearing my favorite neutral shades! Such pretty fur coats.
    When I've visited my dear friends' home in Bellingham there have always been herds of deer in the neighborhood and I always stop and take photos. Of course that's always in summer and they're wearing lightweight dresses and sun hats - just kidding!!!

    Happy week before Christmas dear JoAnn - it's very hectic here.
    Hugs - Mary

  9. How cute! it really does have a wooly winter coat on! Enjoy your day sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

  10. Such a sweet little visitor. Love her woolly coat.

  11. Not shy, this one! A deer family visit our garden from time to time...

  12. Well, she wasn't much intimidated by you or the camera.

  13. Such a sweet doe. She looks very comfortable with you photographing her. Our deer have not shown up yet this year. They must have another food source (other than my bird feeders) somewhere.

  14. Hello JoAnn, stopping back to say thank you for sharing and linking up your post to my critter party.. Have a happy weekend..

    I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  15. What an adorable critter to be greeted by ~ such a gift! Wonderful photo!

    Happy Holidays to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  16. Perhaps it's a scout for the reindeer soon to head your way :) Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!

  17. She's beautiful! I love those eyes.

  18. AH! So cute. Have a great Sunday and a wonderful Christmas week ahead.

  19. Is that a little mule deer? She does look different. Cute as a button, too!

  20. She does look fuzzy - hope it keeps her warm too.

  21. Hmm makes sense that they have a winter coat but I don't think I've ever seen one in there winter coat. Fluffy little thing.


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