
Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Scavenger Hunt

N is for?
N is for Not There - something seems to be missing on the end of this slide


This barred owl was out hunting at noon. This is not unusual for the Barred Owl - and they are less frightened by people than most owls.

Taking a Whale Watching tour in the San Juan Islands, just off the coast of NW Washington

Look Back

Is the goose looking to see if something is following?

Joy Is

Out and About
These bikes would be fun to ride around in the small town of Acme, WA. where they were displayed on a porch

An owl kite

This window and all its fancy elements is in the side of a cracked, old building - one really can't figure out why it is there - except maybe for decoration.

Our grandson, Jahn-Zyel is 13 now - and has wonderful hair.

Pigs in the front yard?

Something I Found

I found these vintage gardening tools at yard sales - and hung them on a rake that the handle had broken off of.

Whatever I Please
Lesser Yellow Leg Shorebird


  1. A most enjoyable selection :) Handsome grandsons, with good hair! Funny about the pigs in the front yard...fortunately the windowboxes look sweet and fragrant... Love the rake handle and vintage tool assortment. Lovely barred owl photo..and also the shorebird. Very decorative windows ~ you've spotted some very eyecatching subject matter :)

  2. What a fun hunt ... and what treasures!

  3. Great selection of interesting things. I especially like the glass in that window - what an assortment! And, of course, it's always nice to see the grandsons!

  4. Thanks for taking part in this months scavenger hunt, only one month left to go. I really like your photos of window, out and about and found. Greenthumb.

  5. What a great collections of shots! I love the Barred owl! And your grandsons are handsome! Enjoy your day!

  6. Every picture tells its own story JoAnn. Clever idea with those vintage garden tools - and yes, I agree about the hair!

  7. Great set of photos, love the Kite and the glass..
    Amanda xx

  8. Great photos!! I like specially Look back, Joy (your grandsons are cute!) and LOVE Out and About!

  9. What a fun collection to scroll through - not having a clue about what's going to pop up next! The grandsons are so handsome, though, and knowing their back story - how much they are absolutely adored by you and grandpa - will always make them my favorite shots!

  10. Terrific group of photos! Believe I'd stay off that slide! LOL

  11. Great photos again. Love those coloured bikes, the patterned window glass and the kite. Lovely grandsons too. x

  12. Olá JoAnn, ótimas fotos.
    Seus netos são lindos, parabéns!
    Gostei dos porcos no jardim e a janela é muito interessante.

  13. I enjoyed your collection of photos, JoAnn ~ especially your grandsons! Jahn-Zyel is definitely styling! That old window was filled with beautiful textures. I thought that the slide was funny, even funnier than the pigs! Have a good one!

  14. What a fabulous set of photos!
    Those bikes are absolutely gorgeous and I love your old tools and how you've used the rake for storage. Someone is going to come down to earth with a bump off that slide!

  15. That's a fun collection of photos. The window is quite something!

  16. I'm loving the owl at noon and the goose looking back, and of course beautiful photography as usual. The grandsons are getting so big, and so handsome too.


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