
Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Scavenger Hunt

N is for?
N is for Not There - something seems to be missing on the end of this slide


This barred owl was out hunting at noon. This is not unusual for the Barred Owl - and they are less frightened by people than most owls.

Taking a Whale Watching tour in the San Juan Islands, just off the coast of NW Washington

Look Back

Is the goose looking to see if something is following?

Joy Is

Out and About
These bikes would be fun to ride around in the small town of Acme, WA. where they were displayed on a porch

An owl kite

This window and all its fancy elements is in the side of a cracked, old building - one really can't figure out why it is there - except maybe for decoration.

Our grandson, Jahn-Zyel is 13 now - and has wonderful hair.

Pigs in the front yard?

Something I Found

I found these vintage gardening tools at yard sales - and hung them on a rake that the handle had broken off of.

Whatever I Please
Lesser Yellow Leg Shorebird

Christmas Craft Fair is Coming

My friend Julee and I do a craft fair each December - we work on items all year.  This year I decided to make accessories for American Girl Dolls. We both have a doll (well, I have 2) and so it is fun to make things for the dolls to wear.

 Flip Flops and spring baskets - lots of colors to choose from.

 Squiggly scarves - one for dolly one for "mommy" of dolly
 I've already sold quite a few of these and have orders for more - good thing I liked making them and made a box full, in lots of fun colors.
 Pumpkin hats and matching trick-or-treat baskets
 I love the stem on the pumpkin hat.
 Lots of bracelets for dolly and mommy - made with the Rainbow Loom - that thing is addicting - I spent a lot of time on the deck this summer making bracelets - what fun!!!
 Flower design bracelet
Three sizes - from left to right - "grandma of doll", "mommy of doll" and dolly.
 Besides the pumpkin hats I made a few more crocheted hats for sporty occasions.  Right now I'm working on hats on the nifty knitter loom - one is a red and white candy cane striped hat - I'll show that to you later, when the hats are done.
The dolls are waiting to be dressed in their winter outfits so they can show off the new items at the craft fair.

Do you do craft fairs?  What do you make? 

Mosaic Monday
Amaze Me Monday  

Weekly Top Shot

Trumpeter Swan - flying over Skagit Valley, Washington

Camera - Nikon CoolPix P600 - no editing, taken on Landscape setting 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Day After Thanksgiving

We had a most lovely thanksgiving - so much to be thankful and a wonderful family gathering.  We enjoyed those who were with us and missed those who couldn't be here.

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. ~Aesop

Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart. ~Seneca 
All that we behold is full of blessings. ~William Wordsworth

Gratitude turns what we have, into enough.

I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family and dreams that turned into reality.

Gather here with grateful hearts.

Bless the food before us, the family and friends beside us and the love between us.

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.

Let our lives be full of both Thanks and Giving.

Be kind, be thoughtful, be genuine, but most of all be Thankful

Three things in Human Life are important
The first is to be kind
The second is to be kind
The third is to be kind
Mother Teresa