
Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Little Autumn Decorating

I decorate just a little for autumn, waiting for the big decorating for christmas - but I have some lovely seasonal, figural dishes and I display them on the buffet in the dining room.

And a cute door decoration - Ma and Pa Crow - welcome friends and family
 Cabbage Soup Tureen - small enough for soup for two - or a serving dish for bigger dinners

 Bee Skep cracker/cookie jar

 Yellow Poppy Shaped bowls - found each one at a different Value Village store on two different days
 Autumn Tablecloth with glass pumpkin cookie jar and Flower Fairy candle holder

Do you have favorite dishes that you use for the different seasons?

Mosaic Monday 


  1. Cute things. I used to decorate more, but have gotten out of the habit. Christmas gets just a few touches and that's about it. With only Wayne and no other family, it just doesn't feel the same. - Margy

  2. I have a few Christmassy ones that I bring out for a buffet then. I love your cabbage dish.

  3. Guess it's time to drag out my fall runner. I love your little arrangement.

  4. Hi Jo,
    As I was looking at your pretty things, I realized I do not have any decorative crockery or figurines. There are a very few things at Christmas. And I do have two real pumpkins out on the patio this fall. But that's it. Huh.

  5. Cute fall decorations.. I like the cute crows.. Have a happy day!

  6. I don't do a lot with dishes but I like to bring out a few autumn decorations. This year it's a couple of decorative pumpkins, other years it's been squash and/or decorative corn. I love that Bee Skeep cookie jar! (BTW: we get some swans here occasionally but nothing like you see in the Skagit Valley.)

  7. What a lovely collection! I, myself do not have any fall decorations with the exception of a wonderful ceramic pumpkin my mother made. Its out on the porch right now.

  8. I like your assortment of fall dishes and the splash of warm color they bring to your home. I have the clear glass pumpkin jar, too. I fill it with candy corn, but that doesn't last long!

  9. You have a nice selection of autumn dishes and decor JoAnn and I like the cute crow couple that welcome people to your home. I have a few things for this season also, and a few for Christmas. By late November I decorate more for winter with snowflakes, snowmen etc. so they can stay out until the end of March.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  10. You have some wonderful, colorful figures for autumn. Love Ma And Pa Crow!

  11. Hello Joanne. I love all your autumnal decorating pieces and we have the same cabbage soup tureen! I think I'll take it out of the cupboard and use it. (PS Don't you love the yellow inside? I love quirky little touches like that.)

  12. I love this pottery and have the same cabbage soup tureen that my Aunt made....

  13. Nice collection JoAnn, I love all of the veggie pieces. I have a cabbage tureen that looks a lot like yours. It was made by someone in a ceramics class back in the seventies I think (the bottom is marked) I have been collecting the vegetable bowls for a while. I like the corn bowls the best of all. I found three more veggie bowls at the thrift store recently. I think I may assemble all of my veggie pieces together at one time and do a tablescape with them. Maybe I will do that for the fall. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  14. Love the bee skep cookie jar too!!!


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