
Monday, September 29, 2014

Summer Scavenger Hunt - The Last Items

This has been a fun scavenger hunt - and here are my last entries.  This completes my list.  At the start I didn't know if I would get them all - but I finally did.
5. Rack of Post Cards
Taken through the window of the UPS store - you can buy a lot of different things in the UPS store.
6. Urban Street Scene
My favorite white houses!  Eureka, CA
8. Tattoo on a person
We sat behind this young man on the deck of a restaurant on the bay.
A nice little bakery in Edison, WA
10. Photo Bomb
Mrs. BrownDirt photo bombing the ferry ride.  You can read more about Mrs. BrownDirt's adventures on my other blog
14. Parade
This deer parade is in our yard.  Notice the synchronized nibbling
And a parade of Sandhill Cranes - it was a short parade - just across the street and into a farm
20. Bus With Picture on the Side
This bus not only has a sun painted on the side - it has another "bus" on top.
21. Me With Something Representing the Season
Sitting on our deck with a pot of flowers - summer for sure.  I do all my gardening in pots on the deck and so this is a very typical summer activity.


  1. Well done JoAnn - lovely photographs - and nice to see what you look like too!

  2. You did well on your scavenger hunt! Nice photos for sure!!

  3. Well, there you are! Hello!
    I love your sandhill crane parade. We saw a couple of small flocks in Yellowstone but at a very great distance. It's nice to see them closer.

  4. Great series! I love the deer and the Crane parade.. And the last shot of you is wonderful. Have a happy week!

  5. I couldn't help thinking, as I looked at these topics, that (other than the postcards, it might be difficult to find those items in Tokyo. We do have trains with pictures on them and I might get a parade of carp if I tossed some bread into a pond... but...Anyway, I love the pictures ... especially the one of you.

  6. I love your parades.....not things we'd ever see here.

  7. ….those Sandhill Cranes are awesome - you certainly were lucky to get that shot of the three of them.
    Mary X

  8. The way those cranes are strutting across the street they look as if they are really in a parade! The deer look very comfortable grazing in your front yard, the deer that venture into our yard are very skittish. The photo of you is wonderful!

  9. I LOVE your parade of cranes!!! And that bus is quite a unique sight :) Great collection of photos!


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