
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Scavenger Hunt

I love scavenger hunts - and here is one for September

1 S is for

2 2pm
Time for tea - you may pick your favorite tea cup and teapot

3 Car Park
Our grandson Donnie, with his very own parking lot for his car and wagon

4 Hat
 Our oldest daughter - all outfitted for summer - 1969
Our son - ready for outdoors - he put his own hat on - can you tell?

5 In the mirror
He got much better at putting hats on by the time he graduated from high school - 1986

6 Garden
The geraniums in my garden have been fabulous this year.

7 Lock
A keyhole for a skeleton key - the locks on many old houses that we've lived in.

8 Nails
The nail is a normal size nail - it shows how tiny this frog is sitting on an old bench.  He was watching me paint cupboard doors.

9 Lamp
Oil lamps in a museum

10 Street sign
Street sign in Birch Bay

11 Game
 Wild game - in my cousin's yard
 And wild game tending the bushes by the clubhouse in our park
Wild game, perhaps out looking for a game of golf?

12 Outside my window
My flowers in the sunshine - I can see them from my favorite chair in the living room

Monday, September 29, 2014

Summer Scavenger Hunt - The Last Items

This has been a fun scavenger hunt - and here are my last entries.  This completes my list.  At the start I didn't know if I would get them all - but I finally did.
5. Rack of Post Cards
Taken through the window of the UPS store - you can buy a lot of different things in the UPS store.
6. Urban Street Scene
My favorite white houses!  Eureka, CA
8. Tattoo on a person
We sat behind this young man on the deck of a restaurant on the bay.
A nice little bakery in Edison, WA
10. Photo Bomb
Mrs. BrownDirt photo bombing the ferry ride.  You can read more about Mrs. BrownDirt's adventures on my other blog
14. Parade
This deer parade is in our yard.  Notice the synchronized nibbling
And a parade of Sandhill Cranes - it was a short parade - just across the street and into a farm
20. Bus With Picture on the Side
This bus not only has a sun painted on the side - it has another "bus" on top.
21. Me With Something Representing the Season
Sitting on our deck with a pot of flowers - summer for sure.  I do all my gardening in pots on the deck and so this is a very typical summer activity.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Our 50th Anniversary

I was 17, working in a drug store the summer before my senior year in high school.  He was 19 and had come to Alaska with his buddy, to work in the newly opened pulp mill to earn money for his sophomore year in college.

It was love at first sight - for both of us.  And now, 51 years later, we are celebrating our life together - our 50th anniversary.  We have had adventures, learned a lot from each other, moved back and forth across the country, watched our wonderful kids grow up, gone on vacations, celebrated events, welcomed 3 great in-laws into our family and been blessed with three grandsons.  It has been the easiest thing we've ever done - these 50 years of marriage.

 We've lived in several states, in many houses.  I have pictures of most of them.

 There's a bit of gypsy in us and we've loved all the houses we've lived in - but we love our current (and last) home the very best.

We even have a house cookie jar.
We've enjoyed every stage of our kids growing up 
With birthday parties along the way
We've moved in, and moved out
And been sung funny songs to by our friends who laughed during their performance for us at our going-away dinner - and cried when we moved on.
We've celebrated holidays and events
Cheered at graduations - and cried a little too.
 Halloween was a fun time for pumpkins and funny costumes

 Our 25th anniversary - celebrated with family and friends
With matching sweatshirts to wear on the train trip back to Wisconsin (the trip was a gift from our kids - the sweatshirts were a surprise from Don)
We've gone on vacations - near and far - with family, friends and the occasional bear
These two pictures were taken the same day - one on vacation in the mountains, where there was still snow - and the other back at home in the desert - where there were roses blooming
We've danced in the rain
Celebrated Halloween as only our youngest daughter can.
Welcomed in the new year with fun and silliness.
Visited the old jail in Yuma, Arizona 
Baked a few pies (oops)
And enjoyed ourselves royally!
It's been a grand trip - with more adventures and celebrations to come.

50 years and counting!!