
Sunday, August 31, 2014


This is my weekly top shot - the sweet yellow pear tomatoes that I grew on our deck this summer.  This is the first time to actually get tomatoes.  A warm sunny summer here in the Pacific Northwest helped - my first tomatoes!!!!  There are dozens more on the plants - I eat them as fast as they get ripe. 


  1. Great the bright yellow against green!

  2. Yum. They look great. I have one plant on the deck and so far several large tomatoes.. It sure gets thirsty with all the heat we have had. I feel Fall in the air. But I hope we get a Indian summer in Sept.

  3. I don't believe I have ever eaten a yellow pear tomato. I bet they are good.

  4. We did not get any yellow pear tomatoes, but have grown them in the past and they are one of my favs♪

  5. Yummm. One house along the street to the train station (where stealth pulled a few weeds) had planted a mini-tomato plant inside their fence. Nice southern exposure, very happy plant, lots of lovely little tomatoes ripening ... but now over-ripe and falling apart. I can only scratch my head and wonder why they planted them in the first place.

  6. When you get a good yellow tomato hang on to those seeds. Many are bland and watery. I am kicking myself for not doing this the year I had the most amazing, sweet, tasty yellow cherry tomatoes. I have never found another as good.

  7. Yum! It looks like you had a great crop. It's been a super summer for growing. (I think yellow and orange cherry tomatoes are the best!)

  8. Those look really yummy. I don't think I've ever seen Yellow pear shaped tomatos
    Nice shot


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