
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Black and White Wednesday

 Summer and sunflowers just go together! 


  1. This makes me wish I'd grown sunflowers this year!

  2. Interesting to see sunflowers in black and white JoAnn - I think it makes their shape more interesting.

  3. They have become quite popular in Japan but never the great big ones. Now that I think of it, those big ones I love would probably not make it through typhoon season.

  4. I like seeing the full, rich range of tints, tones and shades from black to white that you capture! You are very skilled at setting up lighting!

  5. Yes, they're even gorgeous in black and white! Amazing flowers standing on those long legs!

    Mary x

  6. I never would have thought of a sunflower in black and white. These are gorgeous and capture the beauty of those blossoms in an completely different way. Very nice! (BTW: Funny you should mention it - my first car was a little white Corvair! You don't see many around; that was one of the stars of Nader's book "Unsafe at any Speed," I think.)

  7. JoAnn, these are such beautiful photos. Sunflowers are so colorful and I seem to always just think of them in brilliant golds and yellows, but they are stunning in black and white..Happy Weekend..Judy

  8. We have lots of Sunflowers this year. Well we did last year and a bunch of volunteers came up this year too. I really like the Sunflowers in B&W. Good idea.
    I took pics of the "Super Moon" and posted them the next day. Or that night. August 10th.

  9. I've always loved black and white. - Margy

  10. I do like black and white photos. Wow. these are great. Are they your flowers?

  11. Sunflowers in black and white are so dramatic looking, the details of each flower are so pronounced. Beautiful photos JoAnn. I just went out and looked at my half a dozen or so sunflowers and they almost look black and white as the color has faded from them and the seeds have all turned black.


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