
Saturday, August 30, 2014

August Scavenger Hunt

August Scavenger Hunt - let's have some fun
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W is for
Weathered old truck
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At 5 p.m. the Amtrak Passenger train arrives at the border crossing between British Columbia, Canada and Washington state.  It stops for inspection - the border agent gets on at this stop - the train pulls forward as the agent walks to the back of the train - then the train stops - the last car still in Canada, and the agent gets off.
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I think about our son and grandson Donnie, in WV.  I think  about our daughter-in-law Jamie, too - she took this photo  and sent it to us.  They are napping under a Country Roads Quilt I made for Donnie.  Sometimes the ordinary everyday things are the sweetest.
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If you don't stay centered in the skiff you will tip over.  These two ladies were rowing on the bay.  It looks like they came right from work to the  bay.
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Peace Arch - in a park on the border between Canada and the U.S.
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A gold ball on the lid of my London Tea Pot
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I couldn't come up with any luggage this month - so I thought you would enjoy these colorful mailboxes in Birch Bay.  
Two Canada Geese with their heads under water.
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On your shelf
My Grandmother's Desert Rose dishes
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Something you do everyday
Every day I see deer in or near our yard.
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The glitter of sunlight on water as the Sandpipers dip into the water to find dinner 
My niece Amanda.    They were visiting us on our 25th anniversary.  Almost everyone there had glasses and Amanda wanted some - so our youngest daughter took her shopping at the mall and they found some glasses with clear glass in them.  The sun is shining off the glass.  This was 25 years ago -  Amanda is now the wonderful mother of three amazing little boys.  Our family still talks about that great visit and our sweet niece (and her brothers).
 Our grandson Ben also wanted some faux glasses - just two years ago - here he is, doing a silly pose for me - the sun reflecting off his glasses too
And some real sunglasses - our nephew Buddy (now called Bud) wearing silly sunglasses and riding his new tricycle.  This was almost 50 years ago - time flies when you're having fun!  Bud lives in Alaska and has twins who just started first grade - Sullivan and Frankie - a darling boy and sweet little girl.
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And that's my scavenger hunt for August - almost all the photos are current - but I just couldn't resist the glasses photos.


  1. Lovely memories for you. It is important to have actual photographs (you can keep in a biscuit tin under the stairs!) methinks. :o)

  2. What a great post and images.. the children are all cuties. And I love the baby deer. The colorful mailboxes are cool. Have a happy weekend!

  3. I enjoyed your scavenger hunt. Lovely photos! But my heart melted for Donnie and Ben. Now THOSE are some handsome things to look at!

  4. How delightful! I love the mailbox photo. Very clever shot. Would make a nice greeting card.

  5. Thanks for taking part in this months scavenger hunt. What a great group of photos, I really your photos of centered, ball, and of your two guys having a nap. Greenthumb

  6. Great set of photos the little Deer is so cute..
    Amanda xx

  7. What a lovely collection of photos. The picture of your son and grandson napping is priceless.

  8. I love your interpretations again. Love the old truck, the teapot and those colourful letterboxes. The photo of your son and grandson is just lovely. x

  9. Bravo! I loved the variations on Sunglass!!! The deer is a darling and I love that serene bird in the water- such a beautiful shot!
    I like your teapot- it is very dandy! The centered shot is perfect too!x
    Hurrah for the Scavenger hunt

  10. Great photos, I especially like centred and ball!

  11. The Amtrak train is interesting. The old truck makes for an interesting picture. And that little fawn - how precious!


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