
Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Rainy Day in the Garden

We've been having unusually warm weather for over a week - and today it cooled down and the rain came back.  Almost like a monsoon for a little while - but then it cleared off and we had some sunshine.  My flowers on the deck got a good soaking and they looked so pretty in their lovely "rain coats".
Foxglove leaves - these will bloom next summer. You can see our house reflected in the big drops on the left and the right. 
Honeysuckle leaves 
White Petunia 
Sweet Pea
Bleeding heart leaf - the plant is getting big - and no blossoms yet 
Larkspur greenery 
Larkspur flowers 
Tiny Forget-Me-Nots just coming up 
Close up of Geranium 
Another Geranium 

Tomato leaves 
A refreshing summer rain and now it smells so good!!

What is your favorite scent of the summer?


  1. Your post was like a visit to a fairy garden. I can picture them huddled beneath the leaves for protection from giant raindrops!
    My favorite scent of summer is freshly mowed lawn, particularly after a refreshing rain.

  2. How beautiful your photos are...I love the raindrops...

  3. Those photos are great, JoAnn! I wish my macro shots were that wonderful. Those raindrops are making me thirsty!
    Have a great upcoming week.

  4. Beautiful shots! Everything looks so fresh! My favorite is the sweet pea...and I'm surprised to see you have a forget me not coming up in summer. They usually come and go in spring, don't they? We've had rain threatened for several days but none has come yet.

  5. I was thinking as I viewed your pictures, that I could smell the air around that shower.

  6. Raindrops on anything are so pretty. It would be hard to choose a favourite summer scent - freshly mown grass, tomato leaves, roses, sunwarmed forest, and so on. We had cloudy skies this weekend but not a drop of rain which is too bad because we could certainly use some.

  7. Lovely garden glad you are ok and not in the fire area out there


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!