
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pansy and Violet Tea

Pansies and violets - two of my favorite flowers - and when they are on a tea cup - or a tea pot, they are so wonderful.

This tiny violet tea cup has some friends
Some with violets
Some with pansies

They all get along quite nicely.

Perfect for springtime tea.


  1. Such a pretty tea set for spring! Love the flowers.

  2. Those are so pretty,especially the violet pieces and perfect for this time of the year. I love violets.but haven't spotted any wild ones yet though they are out in my garden.

  3. So pretty, JoAnn. I love both flowers. And they certainly look happy together. I have some violets coming up but lots of leaves and no flowers yet. I hope they come along..Happy Thursday..Judy

  4. Lovely soft pastels, so nice for springtime!

  5. Pretty. I have what my Mom called a hot chocolate set from my grandmother. It has floral displays on the put and cups as well. - Margy

  6. Hello dear Jo...I have been MIA for a while and your beautiful tea sets caught my eye! I bought a flat of violas yesterday and am craving some spring to hit around here. Sipping some tea right now smiling at your pretty spring collection!

  7. Very delicate and pretty on your beautiful tablecloth :)

  8. such a lovely little teaset

  9. I missed seeing this post somehow. I love violets, pansies, and violas. I love them just as much on your beautiful tea set as I love them blooming in the yard.


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