
Sunday, March 30, 2014

March Scavenger Hunt


Is for Mallard - a plentiful duck in both winter and summer in our area.  Thousands overwinter here - and some stay and raise their families in our area.  They love the seasonal ponds from the high groundwater in the farmers' fields.

9 A.M.
Baking banana bread - it came out of the oven at 9 a.m.


Oso Berry Bushes are in full bloom now - soon to be followed by the small berries that wildlife loves.  They are the first to get blossoms in the spring - an understory plant that is overshadowed by larger trees when the leaves are all opened on the maples and cottonwoods.

The sun lights up the clouds on Bellingham Bay
And reflects on the water to light up the background of a Heron.

A grate that drains water into a slough in Birch Bay State Park - next to the grate is a "Great" Blue Heron
And a close-up  of the "Great" Blue Heron.  This area has magical light - the colors are more vibrant here than any place else I've been.  This photo is Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC)

Ducks - working for their dinner

And some old trucks - that work no more.


This stone fireplace is the closest that I could come to brickwork - I like how they used the larger stones at the bottom - graduated sizes as the chimney got taller.

Ready for a party!


Fields of daffodils in Skagit County - it is a good year for the daffodil farmers


Need I say more?


Roll of tickets for a quilt raffle last year - I bought some, but didn't win - drat.


One of my favorite teapots - with a red roof and a red door.

March Scavenger Hunt  


These three sculptures were done by artist David Barr - made of polished Canadian Granite, he  installed markers at three sites along the Canadian/United States border.  All three locations are in the United States - but access to all three is only through Canada - you must cross into Canada, travel a distance and then cross back into the US to get to the sculptures.

The sculptures were made and donated by David Barr in 1985. 
The Western sculpture is in Point Roberts, Washington, accessed through British Columbia.  The photos of that sculpture were taken on a trip we made to Point Roberts.  There are four border  crossings to complete this trip.

A pair of sculptures are located about half-way between the end sculptures, at Lake-of-the-Woods, Minnesota, an island accessible only by boat -  a short trip through Canada to reach the US property  

The eastern sculpture is on Ragged Point - on Campobello Island - near President Franklin Roosevelt's summer home, again accessed by crossing into Canada and then back into US territory. 

Because the long border between Canada and the US lies under the path of the sun as it moves from east to west, Barr’s work is called Sunsweep. 

The arch-shaped stones, each about five feet high, are the ends of a conceptual arch, set on each coast. In between, in Minnesota, are two wedge-shaped pieces that complete the arch.  The arch is aligned to the North Star, the Equinoxes and Solstice.

We have only visited the arch in Pt. Roberts Washington - the other photos are from Wikipedia.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Weekly Top Sunlit Shot

Today started out with a little rain
more was forecast
but the sun decided it would peek through
a little ride in the sunshine
and here was spring!!!!  
pink and green 
that is spring in Washington
these pink trees are everywhere
and the grass so green this time of the year

There is nothing like spring in Washington.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Green Heron

This is one of two Green Herons I've ever seen.  This was at the Alaska Ferry Terminal in Bellingham, WA.

I hope to see more sometime.

Have you ever seen a Green Heron?

Saturday's Critters  

Six Words Friday

Flowers are  sweet babies of  nature

They make us sing and smile.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rurality - Reflections in a Seasonal Pond

The water table is very high - there are seasonal ponds in fields everywhere - great opportunities for stunning photos.

 Weeping Willows beginning to get their leaf buds 
 A young Weeping Willow
This is the seasonal pond where I saw the Mallards

Black and White Wednesday

Water in black and white has always fascinated me
Marine Park - Bellingham, WA 
A beautiful day for sailing 
Reflections in a seasonal pond 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Old Garden Tools

With spring here - or on its way - I thought I'd welcome it by showing  you some of my vintage gardening tools.

 I like the old fashioned garden tools - the ones with years of wear and hefty service to gardeners.
A long time ago my rake head came off - it makes the perfect rack for the hand tools 

One of my favorites is this Amish Weeding Ball. The metal piece at the bottom is forked - you plunge it into the ground under the weed, roll it back on the ball and the weed effortlessly comes out. 
Another Amish Weeding Ball that once was bright red/orange.  You can see the prongs on the bottom.
I also like old galvanized or enameled buckets - the fence is the best place for them so they don't fill with water in our rainy climate.  This picture was taken when we lived on a farm, the first house we rented when we moved to Washington 13 years ago. 
And enamel wash basins - they are useful for carrying plants, bulbs or tubers that need to be planted.  Another old fence on the same farm. 
And galvanized watering cans - before Martha started collecting them I found them quite reasonable - now the prices have gone up to incredible heights.  Now and then I still find one at a yard sale - but not as often as I used to.  Miss Kitty loved to drink out of them when they were filled and waiting to water the garden. 
They are now lined up along the ramp to the deck in the summer  and this pair of Mallards came to visit - looking for birdseed. 
Donnie liked to haul them around when they came to visit a year and a half ago. 
They even get decorated for Christmas.
This watering can is not vintage - it is an elephant watering can that was a gift from Ben - one day this little frog came climbing up out of the elephant and sat there most of the day.

Do you have favorite vintage gardening tools?