
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Straight Out of the Picture

Often the phrase SOOC is used - Straight out of the Camera  - and this  heron is Straight Out of the Picture as well.

I was just a moment too late - it would have been a fantastic photo if the heron had not gone out of the picture.  I do like how the water drains off from his feet as he launches into the air.  The one that got away.


  1. Great, I think we have all had these moment.
    All the best Gordon.

  2. I have quite a few of those straight out of the picture shots too. But sometimes what is left is just as great ... like the water falling off the feet.

  3. He he, well at least some part of the bird was in the picture. I often get only branches.

  4. Haven't we all had those moments hundreds of times. Just as you get it focused and click, off they go!!! Great shot anyway!

  5. SOOC SOOP and POOP wish he hadn't been so fast, but you did get a good water drain action shot!

  6. A great OOPS photo! Thanks for sharing, it is cute! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  7. He got the jump on you there. I like the water draining off the feet though..

  8. I get a lot of those photos and the water is cool.

  9. You did much better than me-- this week I only got toes!


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