
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Better Pictures

Two weeks ago we saw a white bird sitting atop a pole - and it turned out to be Leucistic Red Tail Hawk. Not a true Albino - because if it was, it would have all white feathers, pink eyes, feet and beak. The Leucistic birds have some albino features and some regular features, with a lack of pigmentation causing some of the feathers to be white.

We were down the road and far from the hawk when I realized that my camera had been accidentally set on portrait - and not scenery, as I had intended - and the photos were not the quality I wanted them to be.  I felt bad that I had missed an important chance at a rare bird.

Later that afternoon we went to our daughter and SIL's  house to watch the Seahawks play the 49ers in a playoff game for a chance at the Super Bowl - of course when they won we claimed the victory was because we had seen this unusual bird.  
On Super Bowl Sunday we decided to take a ride, and on the way to Birch Bay we thought we'd go past the spot where we had seen the hawk - and there he was - in a small tree this time - and my camera had the proper setting. 
The coloring and feathers are much more distinct this time. 
A magnificent bird, and what luck that we were there at the exactly right time - he flew away after we'd been there only 2 minutes - just a few minutes either way and we probably would have missed him. 
And then later that afternoon we went to our daughter and SIL's for their annual Superbowl Party - and, well, you all know how the ballgame came out.  Go Hawks!  


  1. Fun connection between the bird and the game. Great shots of the bird. So considerate of him to be there when you returned with your proper camera.

  2. That's a beauty! I wonder if it is a juvenile? The fluffiness of it suggests that but it is late in the year.

  3. I'm happy for you that your team won, Joann!

    He is a beauty.



  4. What a great game. Your Hawk looks like a bird covered with snow. Speaking of snow we had snifters of it this morning as I drove to the dentist. Has not gone above 30 here and funny when I came out of the dentist it was 50 degrees on Mercer Island. Hated to come home to the cold. Do you have snow?

  5. During the game they showed the seahawk mascot several times. So majestic. And I thought of your beautiful photos because this is the only place I see such great pictures of pacific northwest hawks!

  6. The leucistic RTH is magnificent. I'm so glad that you got a chance to get a better photo. Congrats to your Seahawks on their win!

  7. Wow, that bird was surely waiting for you, as he knew you wanted a proper picture. Synchronicity x x x

  8. We had a leucistic starling around here one year JoAnn but he didn't last all that long - he was far too easy for a passing hawk to pick out.


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