
Friday, January 3, 2014

Tonight's sunset

The clouds have been thick all day - and rain most of the day - but as we were driving north to Lynden the skies began to clear and it turned out to be a beautiful day for photos.

There were a few swans in the corn fields

Their call is more distinctive when there are only a few of them

Quick - look over there!!!  I can see it - way up in the tree - can you?  This is how it looked from the road. Look at the tree in the middle of the group of three.

Zoom in - 140x - an eagle's nest.  We didn't see any eagles nearby

But I did capture a hawk that flew right over the car

I still don't know the name of this mountain

The foothills of Mt. Baker - fresh snow - Mt. Baker wasn't out today - snuggled up in a blanket of clouds

We never did find out what Farmer Ben was selling - but since one of our grandsons is named Ben, we had to stop and take a picture

The  sunlight made beautiful reflections in a small pond

Then on the way home the sunset started - it was magnificent

The sun dipped behind and peeked out of the clouds

I've taken photos of these two trees in the spring - they are just as magnificent in the sunset in the winter

Near a golf course - we saw one lone golfer out in the cold - it was 39 degrees

Reflection of the sunset in a puddle on the golf course

And home!


  1. Gorgeous photos! That lone golfer must be a Scot! Only a Scot could golf in that type of weather.

    I love the swans. They are some of my Favorite birds.

    This is a woodcut post. Thanks for sharing.



  2. Wonderful, not woodcut. The IPAD decided that is what I was saying. Uh, Not! ;-)

  3. Lovely! The sunsets are breathtaking, but my favorites are the swans - such beautiful compositions with strong contrasts in texture that are a feast for the eye. You are so talented in not only selecting great subject arrangements but you follow through with perfect skill behind the camera! I love all of them!

  4. Beautiful photos of the sunset and I love the swans! I haven't received your book from Amazon yet, but it should be here any day.

  5. I like to think those swans are looking at the sunset too JoAnn. As usual they are beautiful photographs.

  6. Such a beautiful sunset. My husband loves golf and I am sure he would be the lone golfer playing amongst the puddles :-) x

  7. Sunsets oh there is NOTHING like it. Yours are magnificent. Love your photos. B

  8. what beautiful country you live in, your sunsets are gorgeous.

  9. Some gorgeous shots here! I love the golds of the sunset and, of course, the swans are so beautiful! Bravo!

  10. Beautiful photography JoAnn! The sunset is so vivid it seems that I am there watching it too. Just simply stunning!


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