
Friday, January 31, 2014


In the far west Pacific Northwest we live in a rainy climate.  Rain is common and there is a saying here, "You can tell the tourists, they carry umbrellas."  It is just part of our lives. It does give us some very interesting mosses and lichens.  A sunny day makes the moss glow!


  1. What pretty moss! My husband and I spent a rainy honeymoon on the Olympic Peninsula (Washington); and, in some of our photos, we're almost glowing in the gloom in our red and yellow ponchos! The Pacific Northwest is certainly a magnificent part of our country! Have a good weekend!

  2. Besides being pretty I'm sure that moss is a valuable food source for wildlife. Lovely contrast in textures!

  3. The mosses are beautiful with the sun shining on them; there is so much interesting texture shown in your photos.

    I smiled at your comment about how to recognize tourists.


  4. Such a great texture and gorgeous colour

  5. How pretty! That looks like the sort of moss you find out West - the Hoh rainforest and that area. It's so mossy there it feels like walking on sponges!

  6. I love the moss! It's so beautiful. Magical, really. :)

  7. I love our moss, even though I know that if I stand still for too long I'll be soon covered in moss too!

  8. Moss is so very pretty. Love the light shining through the fine fibres of the moss.

  9. I LOVE moss and of course also grew up surrounded by it in damp England! I tries to start a moss garden here. also to grow moss between my stepping stones, but no such luck - far too hot I guess in the Summer months!

    Mary X


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