
Monday, January 6, 2014

An Amazing Day - Part 1

A sunny weekend - what a chance to get some photos. It has been cold here - well,  cold-ish, compared to what others have been suffering through - but cold enough to make a good heavy frost in the mornings. It melts quickly - so you have to be quick with the camera.

A sunny day calls for a ride in the country.  Here we go.

The frost sparkled in the early morning sunlight

Plain old dried grass became spectacular

Barbed wire was coated in sparkling diamonds

Hillsides with groves of trees covered in frost

In some places, the frost was melting and making twinkling stars in the branches

No more frost - but a view of the Olympic Mountains - out on the Olympic peninsula, seen from Skagit Valley - not something we see every day.  The tallest mountain in the range is Mt. Olympus - at  7,962 ft (2,427 m). With annual rainfall of 140 to 170 inches in the Hoh Rainforest , the area has  the most precipitation of anywhere in the continental United States. Areas to the northeast of the mountains are located in a rain shadow and receive as little as 16 in  of precipitation.

Near where we had the view of the Olympic mountains a heron was hunting for breakfast

And right across the road is Mt. Baker - and a tree with an eagle's nest high up in the bare branches. The eagles have already begun to return from their winter fishing grounds and are beginning to nest - somewhat earlier than other years.

Farther down the road - some Tundra Swans in a plowed field, with frozen water in the ditches - they were the loudest bunch I'd ever heard, and not a very big flock either.  You can see two in this group with their beaks open.

Lots of flapping and honking

This group seemed to be square dancing - I think they are preparing to migrate north for nesting time.

Just ahead was Mt. Baker - again.  I love all the different views you get from the Skagit (sounds like gadget) Valley

As we headed down a hill, off in the distance was small flock of the swans in a green field - with a few Canada Geese

This swan was hungry

But not inclined to get up to eat

That's as far as the neck will go.

And tomorrow - you won't believe your eyes!!!  

Do come back and visit. 


  1. Your photos of the mountains are postcard-picture-perfect! But I love the swans - my goodness, the artistic composition and clarity of your shots is amazing! And yes, I will be back tomorrow! It will take a lot to beat this collection, but I don't doubt your promise!

  2. Your day mirrored mine! We walked out in the frosty late-morning and down to the lagoon, where we fed the swans under a brilliant blue sky. We had an amazing view of Mt Baker - at its best - and even Mt Ranier. We live in an amazing part of the continent, don't we?

  3. Wonderful photos of the mountains and the birds! I love how the frost turns everything magical. Looking forward to seeing what you have tomorrow!

  4. We walked along the water yesterday admiring Mt Baker and Mt. Rainier. It was a gorgeous, clear day, and I was glad for my down coat and gloves. Frosty mornings are here, too. Your photos are stunning.

  5. Such beautiful photos! I love how you have captured the frost - the grass and barbed wire are really special. And the beautiful - love the lazy swan. Mt. Baker looks like a giant snowcone and the Olympics are gorgeous. Really nice. xo

  6. The frost photos are really magnificent!

  7. Your frost pictures took me back to a slide show my father used to give on "the phases and faces of water". The swan pictures are a stitch! I liked the juvenile understudy. And mountains ... what's not to like. Thanks for your photographic skills.

  8. Love the frosty photos and, of course, the swans! Last year some of us in the Olympic rain shadow actually got a bit under 12" of rain! (Less than we got in California.) Thanks for letting us tag along on your drive. Wonderful shots!

  9. Very pretty pics, looks like you had a great day! Thanks for your comments about the crochet hooks, it's nice to know someone else noticed the difference in the newer ones too:@)

  10. You really do live in a stunningly beautiful area - lovely frost photos and the photos of the mountains are spectacular.


  11. Oh my goodness, between the frost and the swans you have captured such an array of dreamy whites...breathtaking! xo

  12. The swans are such stately birds. Do you know how the farmers feel about having them in their fields? Are they good, bad, or just neutral visitors. I have seen a few swans on Powell Lake, but that's a rare occurrence. - Margy

  13. Love the frost pictures. The barbed wire pictures are spectacular. I love the stretched out neck on the hungry, but lazy swan too.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!