
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rain Drops

We had some rain the other night - and in the morning I stepped out on the deck and saw the sparkles on the flowers.

The Nasturtium seeds that I planed a few weeks ago are growing quite well

Somebody munched this leaf - but I couldn't resist the reflection of the turning leaves  - the tree is right above the planters

Big droplets - reflecting our house in them

Some little violas volunteered in the planters so I've moved them all to one planter - this one has a little dew on it.

This one has a LOT of dew
Before long the sun was shining and the dew was gone.


  1. I love the last shot, it's gorgeous!

  2. Leaves and flowers with dew or raindrops on always look so pretty - my favourite one for this in my own garden is Ladies Mantle.

  3. Leaves and flowers with dew or raindrops on always look so pretty - my favourite one for this in my own garden is Ladies Mantle.

  4. Hi JoAnn !! Lovely shots!! I particularly like the second one, with the big dew-drop catching the light, and the last one, which is just perfect.

  5. Wow, what beautiful photos! Little worlds within worlds. <3 xx

  6. that last shot is stunning-I planted Marigolds a few weeks ago and they are ravenously beautiful this morning, I usually don't fall plant, doing so is new and fun-Nasturiums I could try, I wonder?

  7. I love that last one too. Dew is so photogenic!

  8. I totally agree, the last picture is outstanding!!

  9. Beautiful! The last exquisite photo reminds me of the candied flowers you can find for sale in special little shops. Wonderful selection of photos!

  10. Funny I am reading this now...we have thunder rumbling all around but nothing happening! :)

  11. Great pictures!! The last one is really special.

  12. Love the rain drops on the flowers! My viola's are gone for this year, but have lots of pretty nasturtiums. It's been raining here,too!

  13. Love nasturtiums, both flowers and leaves. Do you put the flowers in salads?
    Last pic of the dew covered viola is perfect, and they look pretty scattered over a cake!
    Why am I always thinking food?

    Hugs - Mary


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