
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pickle Relish - made with Zucchini

It is that time of the year again - zucchini is growing too fast to keep up with - but that is good - I need zucchini - the bigger the better.  I got this recipe from a friend long long ago, she gave it to me when she brought over a big basket of green tomatoes.  She said you can make this relish with green tomatoes, zucchini or cucumbers - or any combination.

Start with zucchini - any kind will do - dark green - yellow

Big striped ones - I started with two of these from my daughter's garden

Add in a few pickling - or regular cucumbers, if you are short on zucchini - hard to believe we'd ever be short on zucchini

Or you can use green tomatoes for the entire recipe.  This is the perfect relish for the end of summer crop of tomatoes that didn't get ripe.

And then you need a truckload of onions 

Oh wait - I needed just three big Walla Walla onions for this recipe.  I just wanted to show you the big  trucks of onions we spotted in Eastern Washington when we vacationed there a couple years ago.  Kind of made you hungry for a good hamburger.

Ok - back to the pickle relish

Grind up or chop the vegetables - I use my cuisinart food processor - makes quick work of it - and no crying from the onions.  Add 3 T of salt and soak overnight.

Stir the zucchini, cucumber and/or green tomato concoction in a big pot.

Oops - wrong picture - that is our daughters when we visited a Living History Farm on the way, when we were moving to Kansas in 1976.  Ben belongs to our oldest daughter, on the left, and Jahn to our youngest daughter on the right.

Here is the actual recipe - in the proper order.

Complete ingredient list at the end

Chop the vegetables - 
8 C zucchini or green tomatoes or cucumbers - or combination - chopped fine (food processor)
If you need to know the weight - it takes about 7 pounds of green tomatoes - I don't know how many pounds of zucchini

4 cups onions - chopped (food processor)
I used Walla Walla onions - mostly because I like to say and type Walla Walla Onions - and they are grown in Walla Walla, Washington

Sprinkle with 3 Tablespoons of salt - stir and soak overnight - stir once or twice - put a lid on that pan or bowl - and you will not dream of onions all night. 

Put in large pot, add 2 cups cider vinegar, boil slowly for 10 minutes

Add 3 cups of sugar and boil on low for 30 minutes - stir frequently

Add cinnamon and allspice.  

Mix 3 T cornstarch with cold water and add (DO NOT add dry cornstarch to the hot mixture - it will only clump up and you will never get is un-clumped)  I did that experiment for you so you wouldn't have to.

Boil another 10 minutes after adding the three ingredients above - stir often

Add celery seed and turmeric

Pour into sterile jars, turn upside down for 5 minutes - invert and listen for the ping.

I made a double batch today - 6 quart jars and 2 pint jars

Best if stored for a month if you can wait that long, otherwise - dig in and enjoy.


  • 8 C chopped zucchini, cucumber or green tomatoes (combination works well too)
  • 4 C chopped onion 
  • 3 T salt
  • 2 C cider vinegar
  • 3 C sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground allspice (not the whole ones)
  • 3T cornstarch (mixed in a small bowl with 1/4c cold water)
  • 2 tsp celery seed
  • 1 tsp turmeric
You can cut and paste this entire recipe to a document file and save it.  

Happy summer canning!!

Cottage Garden Party  



  1. This is a great recipe, JoAnn! I love that you can use all the garden produce that is plentiful this time of year. I have never made relish, but you have made it look do-able and I will put this one in the files. Love the unexpected photos, too - the onion truck is great, got a chuckle out of that! Your daughters are sweet as can be. xo <3

  2. Doesn't everybody like to say Walla Walla :-) Ok, maybe it's just people who have lived in Washington.
    Your relish sounds delish! But how in the world did those onions stay on the truck... looks like an onion landslide is about to happen.

  3. I saw trucks like these from time to time in California - and ones with tomatoes, too. Yours is very funny.

    My neighbor is complaining that her zucchini are not ripening but rotting on the vine. I've gotten one crookneck so far. A couple have rotted. And there are a bunch of little ones giving it their all. Since it's begun raining it's hard to know if they'll make it.

  4. Your relish does sound delicious! Now, that is a big haul of onions! Thanks for sharing your recipe, great post. Have a happy day!

  5. This sounds good! I love relish and I'll have to try this next season when I'll hopefully have a better garden! I don't can much anymore, but this sounds pretty easy to do. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day!

  6. Loved the humour in this post - it made me laugh out loud.
    My mother used to make green tomato chutney = I used to love it. Your recipe made me nostalgic for it.

  7. Love this relish. Have done it several times. I got a good laugh out of that truck of onions. This has not been a good year for tomatoes in our neck of the Ky. woods. Too much rain and then not enough. Oh well did some canning so ready for the winter.
    Have a good week-end.

  8. I love your sense of humour, JoAnne! And the recipe. Thanks for sharing it. Blessings, Pam

  9. Love your post Joann, it made me laugh!
    I had an allotment and used to grow lots of courgettes, squash and tomatoes. I still have a cupboard of chutney - your recipe sounds lovely and I miss making it now I no longer grow our own vegetables.

  10. Hi JoAnn,
    I have never made tomato/zucchini relish. I have made lots of mustard pickles and cranberry relish though. Thanks for sharing your great recipe at my HOME and enjoy your weekend.


  11. I must try this. We have the abundant zucchini as well. The neighbors have been locking their car doors...Oh look an open truck bed!


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