
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mt. Baker and a Hawk

After our picnic yesterday I took some photos of Mt. Baker.  It was a perfectly clear day and who can resist the mountain on clear days?  This view is from Hovander Park in Ferndale.

Add a hawk flying over the mountain - and you have the top shot of the week.


  1. Absolutely brilliant - and still snow on the mountain. What a picture JoAnn.

  2. Absolutely magnificent JoAnn! I feel the same way about Mount Hood! Well, all big mountains, really, but Hood is the closest to us!

  3. Fabulous, and that Mt. Baker is definitely at the top of my list for beauty and scenic views. We have a lot of hawks too - red-tails - and I often have one swoop through the garden which is a bit scary when standing outside, they are BIG!

    Happy Labor Day holiday dear.

  4. As always, that is a GREAT CAPTURE!!!

  5. There is something about mountains. No matter how many times I catch sight of Mt Fuji, it never fails to take my breath away. Our "go to" bird is a Black-eared Kite, soaring on the thermals.

  6. THAT is one perfect shot... Thank you for joining in 'Weekly Top Shot #98' Hope to see you next Saturday for #99...


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