
Monday, September 16, 2013

Fall House Cleaning

Toot toot !  Big Announcement!!

Since everyone is wanting fall (except me - I want my summer to last longer) I thought we'd talk about fall housecleaning.  Actually we got a bit of a head start on it - when we cleaned out all the closets and went through my studio to find things for our yard sale in early July - so that is done.

Fall house cleaning - whooo me?

Don shampooed the carpets a few weeks ago - check that off.

I defrosted the freezer when the berry season starting going full blast - in August - another check.

Today Don is power washing the deck - can painting be far behind?  We've decided on a Valspar (no I'm not advertising) non-slip paint.  You can have it tinted any color you want - so we will  get the regular deck paint for the railings and slats, tinted the same color, and the non-slip for the deck floor and the ramp.  I guess that is only half a check - but we are beginning.

I organized and cleaned the pantry last week.  Don unclogged a drain and mopped the laundry room/pantry floor, deodorized the washing machine and cleaned out the lint filters (indoors and out) on the dryer. Check 5 times!

 I have three more kitchen cabinets left to go through and organize  -  that will be my project for this week.

I also gave away a bin of dolls that were not quite right for my collections - Don took them to work for his co-workers to give to their granddaughters.  And a big bin of fabrics went to the Senior Center plus several items for their gift shop.  Check off de-clutter.  And two bags of trash and one of shredding.  Check and check!

Good bye pretty fabrics!

I refolded all my quilts - so they don't  wear out along the fold lines.  It is a job that takes a while - and gives my arms a workout - but worth the effort.

Such big helpers

Just the start of the pile - about 12 more quilts to go on this stack.

We'll help - or we'll take a nap

More quilts

At least we don't have to chop wood anymore

Whew - lucky us.

I cleaned out the deck railing planters and put in some nasturtiums for fall - wonder if they will bloom before it gets too cold.  At least they look better than the leggy, soggy petunias.

Don't you think you should come out here and do a little fall yard cleaning too?

Hey - who let that pony in here?

And would you add some seeds - we are almost out.  Those red breasted nuthatches are eating everything up.

It's those chickadees, they are eating all our seed.

We did spend some time relaxing too

And saw some beautiful views of Mt Baker (you didn't think I could work the mountain in, did you?)

I made a lot of jam this summer - oh, right, that is house messing up work - but it is good to have it in the pantry after all the canning mess is cleared away.  Stocking up for the winter.

Almost time for a white glove inspection - but wait until I get the cupboards done, please.

So I'd say we've got a great start on  fall house cleaning - how are you doing?


  1. You are waaaaay ahead of me! We have scraped the deck and are waiting for a couple of dry days in a row to apply that same non-slip paint. What a job!

  2. you are waaaaay ahead of me too but I am sitting here patiently hoping for Indian Summer! I do love fall but I want to hang on a little longer to the summer that was so fantastic!

  3. Japanese tradition is to clean right before New Years so you start the year all clean and organized. If I waited that long,we would be buried in junk.

  4. I feel positively frustrated and miserable just reading about your beautiful organized and cleaned have done so much and I'm sitting here feeing sorry for myself! Off to a new doctor soon though and hoping to find a way to lessen my pain and get my arms useful again. I worry about not doing my big clean before the holiday season arrives........but what the heck, they'll just have to take me as they find me. First time in my life I'm considering a cleaning service for the heavy stuff, after we clear out the attics, have new flooring installed, and make over the office/studio now that DH has retired at long last! Just the thought of it all makes me want to run away, LOL!

    It's still in the 80's here and sunny today - garden work and canning the remaining figs on the agenda.
    Happy day dear friend.

  5. This was just too funny, starting with your owl...LOL! : )

  6. No chance here at the moment as my house is stuffed full of my elder son' s goods and chattels waiting for their tenant to move out of their house so they can move in early October. After that I might have a chance:)


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