
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weekly Top Shot

Bee in the Fragrance Garden at Hovander County Park, Ferndale, WA


  1. beautiful shot and such a pretty pretty flower...

  2. So beautiful. You and Debra at Homespun are the only two I know who can photograph bees so well that they look like they'd fly right off the screen! I tried once - stood still for 20 minutes, waiting. All I got was a black jelly bean - even on zoom setting! Glad you and Debra are there so the world doesn't have to depend on me for shots of those busy little workers!

  3. Fragrance flowers are my favorites! Thanks for a lovely photo!

  4. Perfect shot. I love finding a special one to play with my camera and then Pic Monkey. It looks like the bee is just buzzing around.

  5. LOVE it! A bee doing what they do best... Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #100!


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