
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Apple Time

Apple harvest - the best time of the year

The best part of happiness is the apple tree

If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees. ~Hal Borland

I hear the wind among the trees
Playing the celestial symphonies;
I see the branches downward bent,
Like keys of some great instrument.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Bread and butter, devoid of charm in the drawing-room, is ambrosia eaten under an apple tree. ~Elizabeth Russell

An apple a day keeps the doctor away



  1. Oh JoAnn! What a splendid, beautiful post! Apples are delicious gems, and the trees are wonderful, fromvtheir blossoms to their fruit. :)

  2. Beautiful tree shots but I have to admit the one that got my most focused attention is that luscious looking pie! Yum! I can almost smell it.

  3. I agree with Kay - I loved the apple shots and then came that wonderful pie and my mouth was watering - delicious.

  4. Lovely post, JoAnn! I wait every fall for the new crop of MacIntosh apples ~ my favorite ~ and all the other luscious varieties too. I'm from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia which is a famous apple growing area in Canada. I thoroughly enjoyed the photos!

  5. Ooh,lucky you :). Our Fuji apples were gone overnight when they were the size of golf balls, not a trace of what might have happened? :( Thanks for sharing and partying with us!

  6. I can practically taste the crisp and juicy apples on those trees! I love the quote by Elizabeth Russell. And that apple pie just makes my mouth water. Beautiful photos :) xo

  7. The apples look delicious and then to become a pie, comfort food!

  8. We've made some batches of applesauce...ate one batch, froze the others♫ My Waltz:

  9. Wonderful. Love apples and apple trees (As long as no bees dive-bomb me. HA!) Your hand carved bowl is beautiful! And the pie...I LOVE apple pie, so I'll be right over.

  10. Wonderful fall post. I can't wait to go apple picking and start baking!

  11. They are the most beautiful apples I have ever seen :-)

  12. Is that your own apple tree? I would love a apple tree in my garden.

  13. The deer or the bears ate most of our apples and broke branches on the trees while doing so - such a shame! I'll have to buy my apples this year.
    Gorgeous shots!

  14. Just the sight of a good red apple makes my mouth water! But the last shot of the apple pie has me craving it ;) Great little thoughts & photos on the humble apple. Wendy (visiting from Fishtail's)


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