Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Our theme is windows - or doors - but I have picked windows

Looking out my studio window in Blue Lake, CA - I miss those roses - they grew all along the picket fence

A window in a very old log cabin - I think I had a friend that lived in this house in another life

Our grandson Ben looking out the window of the Amtrak Train as they prepared to leave for Olympia to visit his grandfather.  The reflection of my camera is on the window.  Ben was very interested in how the camera would get a picture of him through the glass. (he was only 4 or 5 then)


Pondside said...

I like the idea of having had a friend in an interesting house - in another lifetime!

Em Parkinson said...

Love that second one. The pattern of the shingles is so beautiful.

Unknown said...

Love that shot of Ben looking through the window. I have a grandson Ben. He is a senior in high school. Love those grands.

Peggy said...

Nice to look out (and into) I'd love to see in the window of that log cabin!

Viera said...

beautiful view from your studio window... great shot...

Mary said...

I think about other possible lifetimes often. :). Beautiful photos.

Come Away With Me said...

Wonderful selections, and so interesting to me because I know someone who lives in Blue Lake, California, and also in Olympia, Washington. Visited both places in the past few months too!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am glad you chose windows JoAnn because it reminded me of the Amtrak and our lovely holiday travelling on it some years ago.

Kay said...

Nice shots! That looks like an interesting log cabin, and the grandson, of course, is a delight.

greenthumb said...

Lovely images of the windows.

Jeanne said...

Window are one of my favorite subjects. Imagination and mystery.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, the scenes we see through windows! Love the lace curtain at the edge of your studio window and the sweet photo of your grandson! Log cabins are so wonderful, aren't they? Hugs, xoxo