
Saturday, August 10, 2013


Once a month, Donna offers a challenge to photographers - this month the challenge is water.

Water has always fascinated me - I grew up on the ocean and have lived in the desert and the middle of the country - and now again at the ocean - life's complete circle.

A Canada Goose on the water  - with rain water on her back

A heron in a puddle of water in a field - just the perfect touch of blue

Little boats on water

Sail boats in the evening on the water

Very big boats on the water - Alaska Ferry leaving Bellingham

Reflections on water

Mt. Shuksan - about 50 miles from our house

Water and clouds

Water growing our food supply

A waterfall in Eastern Washington

A little boy and the happiness that is summer and water (our grandson Donnie)

One from the archives - the channel going into the harbor behind Angoon, Alaska.  I was still a teenager when I took this photo.  It was taken with an Instamatic Camera.

This is the Instamatic Camera - a wonder at the time.
This was the next step up after my Brownie.

My Brownie that I had all through high school  was similar to this  but I couldn't find the exact photo. Instead of the view finder on the top, that you held up to your eye - it had a view finder that you had to look down into, like the little girl in the photo below.  Though her Brownie is much older than mine was.

I certainly got off-topic - but it was fun to think of the old cameras, and how fabulous our cameras are now.

This is my camera now - and all photos were taken with it - except the one of the Angoon channel - that was the Instamatic camera.


  1. JoAnn, you caught every aspect of the beauty of water. Your grandson with the hose is just perfect. Look at that smile!

  2. Beautiful! I've always lived close to water. I love the slightly salty smell of the sea. Wonderful photos.

  3. Hahaha, not only were we treated to your various photos of water, but we got to walk down memory lane about old cameras! I think my very first one was a polaroid, and a pack of film cost about as much as the camera! I think that sailboat photo is my absolute favorite of the bunch, with the two birds coming in close behind. The raindrops on the goose's back was a terrific detail! For anyone who has lived or visited Alaska, they know how important water is in the ecosystem and how the element is so common in many of the breathtaking scenes. Thank you so much for participating and sharing vistas from your neck of the woods!

  4. How wonderful to have returned to living near the ocean. I, too, lived in the desert and it dang near killed me. Hated every stinking minute of it and marvel that there are people who enjoy and appreciate it. I never learned to.

    What great photos and I love a story so the weaving of cameras into the tale seemed natural to me. Love, love, love the Canada goose. Perhaps it was because I just saw one this morning on the river. For a second, I wondered if it were a loon, went back, and discovered a Canada goose. My camera? Left at home. I'm never going to get the hang of this. Ha!

  5. Water provides the best reflections, obviously... Nice catch on all those you took !

  6. I love all these shots. I kept thinking each was better than the previous one and then I realized I really love water shots and you caught all forms. Bravo!

    We nearly moved to Lake Havasu, AZ - actually bought a building lot there and tried to build a house. Luckily, the builder was a hug headache and was impossible to work with. Then we started to think better about the whole proposition. Deserts look pretty nice in the middle of winter, but I'm happy being in the PNW.

  7. Hmm, I think like Donna, my first camera was a polaroid. Then when our girls were young I used 110 film cartridges in my small camera, always taking 2 shots in case one didn't turn out. Boy, do I love digital where the sky's the limit!
    I enjoyed all of your photos but you have to know that little Donnie stole the show!

  8. I agree little Donnie stole the show, great photos.

  9. The reflection of Mt Shuksan in the water is really beautiful. The mountains of the north Cascades always make me think of my Dad, of course. It's nearly a year since he passed away. I also love your picture of the goose, where you can actually see the water droplets sitting on it's feathers. Really lovely pics!

  10. My Dad used to give slide lectures and one favorite of mine was "The Phases and faces of water". Your pictures brought back many memories. I think his had some astounding frost pictures ... on trees, on windows, with icicles, ...
    I especially love the reflections.

  11. Beautiful watery photos today, JoAnn! I can't decide which I like the best, but I know that your little grandson is the cutest little guy! I think the sailboat photo is my favorite and the mountain. Love those old cameras! I have my Dad's old movie camera on my shelf. They make great collectibles now! xo

  12. That Canada Goose with the water droplets on its back is absolutely beautiful JoAnn. I loved all the photographs and I did enjoy the trip back through your cameras. My first camera was a Brownie, followed by an Instamatic. Now I just have a Canon Digital - I am not really into sophisticated photography and am happy with just an ordinary Ixus.

  13. Love the goose!! Beautiful!
    Thanks for the camera memories as well...Loved it!

  14. I enjoyed the look back in time and all the wonderful scenes you captured and shared! Beautiful shot of the water droplets on the Canadian Goose!

  15. Love this post, JoAnn! Your photos are all fabulous. Ah, the instamatic camera. The flash used to pop off and fly across the room! Lol.

  16. Love the shots with mountains reflecting off the water and then a surprise of old cameras. A stroll in memory lane - thanks for sharing.

  17. Beautiful photos, Joanne, and how fun to read a bit of your story of photography along with them. The instamatic photo of Alaska is really wonderful, considering the equipment. I love the water droplets on the goose - isn't it amazing how they just bead and roll off? Gorgeous photos.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!