
Friday, July 19, 2013

Wisteria on a Fence

This is a fence in an older part of our town - it is one of my favorite fences.

The blossoms not only look fantastic - their scent is heavenly

They have spent a lot of time training the wisteria

I traced the vines to the beginning and they all come from the same root.

A  splendid fence if ever there was one.


  1. I love wisteria but don't have any. Was always afraid it would take over. Beautiful on this fence.

  2. The wisteria is so pretty on that old fence. Old with a lot of character. Lovin' it.

  3. That's magnificent. I've inherited a couple that are the same colour, and are growing over my pergola, I hope to train them to cover it completely in a couple of years.
    Joy xx

  4. That is wonderful. We planted some wisteria this year. I am HOPING mine will take over. At first glance our place looks like it may grow things like trees, gardens, flowers etc. Well...not so much. Closer look will tell you that it is all struggling just to stay alive. With the amount of watering we do, we should have the lushest place in the country. We have fought for every piece of living plant we have. Maybe the wisteria will someday look as beautiful as this. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wisteria is a very pretty vine, but not good for those with allergies. Really adds to the fence.

  6. So pretty! I love the beads hung on the arbor, too! It must have taken years and years to get that Wisteria to grow along that fence. I love it. xoxo

  7. Love the beautiful wave of wisteria colour along the fence line! Adds so much charm to the weathered fence!

  8. We have tons of wild wisteria in Japan. You can see large patches of purple in the tree tops. Even that high up, you can catch the scent.

  9. Wow, that is really pretty!


  10. I think it would be my favourite too. We have a wisteria that is gorgeously draping the front veranda, but even after all these years, it never blooms. It's a good thing I think that the vine and leaves are worth keeping!

  11. I am amazed that little fence can support the weight and pull of wisteria vines. Wow. My sister just took her beautiful wisteria down because it was so heavy and was continually reaching up to her roof line from her pergola.
    It broke her heart to do so since it was so beautiful but the time had come.

  12. So beautiful! The fence AND the wisteria. I love the wisteria's color and scent. :)


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