
Monday, July 29, 2013

Here Comes the Sun

Last Saturday we got up early to go walking at Lake Paden - the sun was out - the skies were almost cloudless - it was a gorgeous day.  The day before we had walked a mile - it is nothing for Don to walk a mile - or even three - but since my back surgery it has been hard for me to get any distance.  I still use the trekking poles - so much better than a walker.  My arms have a more natural  movement and walking is so much more pleasant.  We discovered that there were already two events going on at the park at the lake - so parking was scarce.  There was a dog event of some kind, and a half marathon.

We found a parking space and set off down the trail - it goes clear around the lake - 3.6 miles - we weren't aiming that high - but hoping for another mile.

Kath - at You'll Shoot Your Eye Out - has given us a challenge - a song to interpret with photos.  This week's song is "Here Comes the Sun" - so here is our sun!

The sunlight was bright in the early morning

This is one of our favorite coves - we've had many picnics here

Early morning fishing

Fairies dancing on the lake

Starting up the hill 
I made it to half a mile - which still was good - and the beautiful morning was an added bonus.


  1. These are gorgeous! I especially love the first one. You've captured such lovely blues. That lake looks like a very peaceful and calming place to be. I'm glad you were able to get a walk in.

  2. A half a mile is great! I'm glad you had such a gorgeous day, and your pics are marvelous. So sparkly and fun!

  3. Good for you! Glad the weather's agreeing with your walking again. It certainly makes for a better time of it. Keep up the good work(out)!

  4. Love how that water sparkles in the sunlight, I will now always think "fairies" when I see something similar. Thanks for participating in Song-ography :)

  5. What a beautiful place to walk.

  6. I love the fairies dancing on the lake. I too will always think of this when I see something similar. x

  7. I love that... "fairies on the lake"! :-) You had a beautiful view as you walked, that is for sure. Sorry your back is still giving you trouble.

  8. These are really beautiful photos. The fairies dancing is exceptional.

  9. Good Morning Sunshine! :) beautiful place and photos of it! :)


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