Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Whimsical Windows - Delirious Doors

This looks like fun fun fun - I've always been fascinated by doors and windows.

Don used to have to go to Seattle, to U.W. Harborview (out here we pronounce that Yoo- Dub Harborview - it is attached to the University of Washington in Seattle) for his eye surgeon appointments.

The Eye Clinic is on the 7th floor - it takes up the entire floor.  There are waiting rooms all over the place - you are sent to a specific waiting room for your specific doctor.  After Don would go on for his laser surgeries I would wander about with my camera - getting some wonderful views of Seattle from the 7th floor.  During this time it never occurred to me that perhaps someone might find this a little strange - a big camera and taking photos of the buildings in Seattle.  I'm glad I didn't think of that - and I'm  glad no one else did  - because I have some fabulous memories and photos of those wandering photo shoots.  

I don't know what this building is - but I knew at once that it was one of my favorites.

The windows and architecture of the building are fascinating

Windows, some almost the size of doors - cover most of the building. Can you imagine washing all those small panes?


toby said...

Welcome aboard to WWDD! I can see why you like this building, it's really lovely, very classy and classic. And no, I would not want to wash any of those window panes :)
Hope to see you again next week, have fun in the meantime!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty windows and building! Great shots! Have a happy day!

greenthumb said...

What a lovely old building.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am sure somebody living in Seattle will recognise it and let you know JoAnn. Lovely building I agree.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

That is a beautiful building! I do love all the paned windows and the little turrets on top. So pretty! xo

Come Away With Me said...

What a lovely old building. I like these huge multipaned windows and the architecture is indeed fascinating. I think this may be the campus I visited a few years ago with my sister to see a library there with the most amazing interior kind of like an old European cathedral.

Funnily I also posted some Seattle "windows" today, from a recent visit. I'm so glad to have found your blog. I love the PNW and dream of living there one day.

Faye said...

Since getting interested in photography my eye is drawn to many different subjects--some very obscure. I can totally see how you could be fascinated with views from high up. This building looks like it should be on an estate rather than downtown!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

It is so intricate it almost looks like a miniature that would go with some sort of Christmas village ...

My Little Home and Garden said...

It's a fine looking building, but I'll pass on washing the windows!

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a wonderful roofline it has! It would have been fun to study architecture, don't you think?

Mary said...

I love that building! The muted colors, the architecture, (splendid,) and all those windows! But you're right, i wouldn't want to be the window washer, that's for sure. :)

Carole M. said...

making use of every photo opportunity; well done

Suburban Girl said...

No, I can't imagine washing them, but looking at them is pretty enough!