
Friday, June 28, 2013

Oh Deer!

We live in a wooded area, near a lake - and we have deer.  This was obviously one of their pathways, as they routinely travel this way.

I looked up the other day and there they were - across the street - grazing on the fresh tender tree leaves and blackberry flowers.

They are not afraid of humans - all they do is turn around and look at us - and go back to graving

This one is a little fuzzy - but I love how he is standing on his hind legs to reach a blackberry flower

And off into the woods they go

I wonder if mama chased them away - she's very protective of her baby

And one a bit older

Baby is off to the woods

And mama follows to make sure everything is ok.


  1. I love that you can see the little fawns this time of year. That first three look like they're still pretty young, too. Looks like they're doing a good job of cutting back on this year's blackberry harvest! Fun series of shots!

  2. AH how nice to view them regularly! :) Darling little fawn....

  3. They are always so pretty, especially the babes, but oh how they love to eat everything in sight!
    Looks like you'll have to rely on the grocery store for your blackberry quota!!!

    Happy weekend - Mary

  4. It would be a pretty sight to see the deer so close. I hope you don't mind sharing the harvest with them.

  5. I so love deer - we have a lot of them, too. Great captures!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.



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