
Saturday, June 29, 2013

June Scavenger Hunt

We have all month to  gather photos for this scavenger hunt - the end of the month is near - let's see how far I got.


Foxglove - one of my favorite wildflowers


At least 60 Allium in this field


Little Bee in a big flower


He was watching us for a long time before I discovered him, I was taking photos of other horses in the field and all he time he was standing under a tree watching me.

Flicker eye

Cat eyes - our  neighbor's cat likes to sit in their flower pots.



I love windows on old buildings

And newly refurbished buildings

And old sheds


Napkins rings - shall we have fish for dinner?

Flower Pot napkin ring - just the thing for summer luncheon

An altar made by cousins and a friend when we all went camping together in Central Oregon.


Sunlight - on a very foggy day - this is not a B&W photo - it was just very foggy and gray that day.

The tree captured the sun!

Sunset over Bellingham from the top of Alabama Hill

Fairy light in the woods - this is one of my all time favorite photos

Sunlight in the trees at Lake Paden


Rooftops behind a Heron - in the Fairhaven area of Bellingham


Ben - eating a big ice cream cone at the fair 

Jahn-Zyel with an ice cream  bar at the fair (these were taken a few years ago - but I couldn't resist showing the two cute boys)

Ice cream cone sign in Birch Bay - and you think you can resist?  Just try.  


I didn't get a picture of a tombstone - but thought I'd show you my pretty pansy painted metal flower pots


Pressing pansies for decoupage - note cards, candles, napkin rings, birdhouses for centerpieces

June Scavenger Hunt


  1. Thanks for taking part in this months Scavenger Hunt, I really like your photos of rooftops, ice cream and eyes. Greenthumb.

  2. Love the Heron great pictures.

  3. Gorgeous photos JoAnn! Fairy Light in the Woods is lovely! And the flicker ~ I stalk birds all the time trying to get them ~ super duper! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos!

  4. Very nice. Every photo is special. I too like the fairy light in the forest.

  5. Some great photos! I like the architectural details ones best.

  6. What a great set of photos! I do like the 'non' black and white one, very atmospheric! x

  7. Sorry I have just amended next months list, have taken out construction as we had it the month before last and add coins instead.Thanks Greenthumb.

  8. I love all your pictures but the sunlight peeping through the trees is so cool!

  9. Great photos, I love the cat in the plant pot, and all of the light ones!

  10. Some really lovely photos. My favourites are the architectural detail - I love US architecture - and fairy light - so atmospheric. And how can I resist the cat in the flowerpot! x

  11. OH that flicker!

    Then the fairy lights! That gorgeous many lovely photos

    THEN the ice cream...eating breakfaat right now and craving ice cream? YOUR FAULT! :)

  12. Hi there. What a wonderful blog you have. Your photos are so interesting and fun. Won't even try to pick a favorite.
    I do understand the gray day foggy one living just north of you. Some times it seems to be black and white all day long.

  13. Great photos! love the ones of the light in the forest. and your tombstones!! I nearly put something else in instead!!

  14. Wow! Love all of these! Cutest little grandsons you have there! And the fairy light in the trees - just awesome! Love your flowerpot napkin rings - and the sea shell ones, too. Great series! xoxo

  15. What a beautiful allium field, I've never seen so many together. I also quite like the fairy ligts on the trees in that wood.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!