
Friday, May 3, 2013

Scenic Reflection Weekend

It is absolutely glorious weather - the perfect weekend - when spring finally arrives in the Pacific Northwest it is absolutely breathtaking!!

Mt. Baker and The Sisters - reflected in Bellingham Bay

Boats and a loon - they over winter here - soon we won't see them any more.  We'll miss them.

Reflections in the water - a young boy just jumped into the lake.

Not into this lake - no swimming is allowed in this small lake - it is a fish nursery.


  1. Lovely shots, especially the fish nursery-beautiful.

  2. Glad things are nice for you there. We are having rain on top of rain this week. xoxox

  3. Beautiful, especially the shot with the mountains in the background.

  4. You are right those views are just breathtaking. I imagine the water in the lake is still very cold for jumping into though.

  5. I'm praying that this beautiful weather lasts through next Saturday. I'll be in town on Tuesday night and am looking forward to seeing my much loved mountains again.


  6. A gorgeous series of scenic photos! So love the breathtaking view of the mountains in the first photo!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!