
Friday, May 24, 2013

Random 5 Friday

Friday - time for randomosity (don't you like that word?)

For your entertainment I've added some  photos of birdhouses - I picked 10 - so each random fact gets two photos.   Enjoy 

1. When I played baseball (lo these many years ago) I batted right handed, but threw and caught left handed.  I could really whack that ball too.  Everything else I do left handed.

Nobody home in this baseball birdhouse in the winter

A travel trailer for birds - hope they don't get too hot in there

2. I have lace curtains in my house - lots lace curtains - I love the sun filtering through the lace.

A sweet birdie posed very nicely for me on the telephone birdhouse

In my friend Susannah's yard - you can see the bird going in the hole to feed the babies

3. I put spiders and bugs outdoors.  I have a butterfly net that I got at the Dollar Store - I capture the bugs and out they go. 

Two  wall of birdhouses - one on a store in LaConner

Another on the side of a barn

4. I ate tuna sandwiches every day in my school lunch - home  made bread and tuna - delicious.  My friends said I was probably part tuna by the time I graduated from high school.

This is actually a bird feeder - but shaped like a house, so it gets to be included

A real traffic stopper

5. When I read a magazine I start from the back and go forward.  I find all the ads at the beginning of a magazine to be annoying, so I start at the back.  Then when I get to the ads I reverse and go back and read the articles that looked interesting - or look at the pretty photos - that way I skip most of the ads.

Birdhouses by the lake

And in the woods



  1. What a lovely way to do your Friday's fave five. It was nice getting to know you a bit.
    Tuna is a fave sandwich of mine. And I lived in Anchorage for a little over a year when I was in the 1st grade (mid 60's).
    The stoplight birdhouses are my favourite.

  2. What wonderful bird houses!! I'm left handed but hit right, used a left handed glove so that was okay, I love magazine ads mostly for their cousin tears them out if she can...

  3. LOVE those birdhouses! I often read a magazine or newspaper from back to front, too. Great to have you join FFF.

  4. I thought i was the only person in the Universe who reads mags from back to front! It's so nice to know i'm not alone. Lol.

    I love all your pics of birdhouses! They're wonderful. I like the trailer one best!

  5. That telephone birdhouse is tres cute.

    I used to eat a bologna sandwich and an apple every day for lunch when I was in school. Never deviated. To think of all the pizza Fridays I missed ...

    Popped by from Random 5 Friday.

  6. Neat birdhouse finds! My Uncle is a birdhouse builder. I need to talk him in to making me one.

    I am a lefty too!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  7. I love the bird houses!! Tuna is brain power food so good for you!! I have NEVER met any one (like me) who reads a mag starting in the back......I finally found someone!! Like you, i HATE all those ads...UGH!!! great FFF list!

  8. What a great assortment of birdhouses! Wonderful captures! I wouldn't mind having a few of these in my neighborhood. (I trap insects and spiders, too - usually with a piece of stiff paper and a glass.)

  9. I love tuna sandwiches too. I love the collection of birdhouses. So cool! The traffic stopper was one of my favorites. Have a happy weekend!

  10. Oh I love them all, I would some in my garden.

  11. Love the collection of birdhouses! So cute -- I could hoard them for sure.

    Thank you for joining in again this week. Always enjoy learning more about you. xo

  12. I can relate to your affection for lace curtains. I have loads of them here and love the way the light comes through them and how they blow in the breeze on a nice day.

  13. I love all birdhouses. I used to make and sell them. I kept track of where they ended up for years. Some in Alaska,Texas,New York, North Carolina and on and on. You can see a few of them on my blog. Right side under birdhouses, if you like.

  14. How wonderful!! I love each and every one of these birdhouses!! Great shots!!

  15. Such a fun Random Five! Part tuna - makes me smile. :) Our older boys ate PB&J every day of their life until 7th grade. Our 10 year old eats PB & honey every day. They never tire of the same old thing!

    Those same older boys - our 15 year old twins, just had their varsity baseball playoff game today and won! They can really whack that ball, too. Today was a fun game.

    Great birdhouses.. great post!

  16. Birds and birdhouses...LOVE!

    My husband puts bugs and spiders outside too.


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