Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Apples? Crabapples?

This tree was hardly visible except for the pretty white flowers - I wasn't sure if it was an apple tree or a crabapple tree - but I was positive it was pretty.  It was being crowded out by the wild growth that happens here - leave something alone for a season of two and you might not be able to find it again.  Perhaps once there was a home here - perhaps once a mother planted this lovely tree in her front yard, rocked her babies under it, served tea to her friends beneath the showers of blossoms.  Perhaps after a long, hard day in the garden she relaxed under the tree, fanning herself with her apron, enjoying the flower petals drifting down and the sweet scent.  Perhaps -  -  - 

Straight out of the camera - Canon PowerShot SX30IS


Donna said...

I'm glad you could join in on the flower challenge! These are so lovely, and I especially like the closeup of blooms in the second one. The white petals are vivid and show a sharp contrast to the rich, green leaves. Adore your description too, wondering about the person who planted the tree.

Mary said...

Oh it's exquisite. :) I love to wonder about trees like this that seem to grow out in the middle of nowhere. What their stories are about people who lived near them.. Nothing like imagination!

Nonnie said...

around here, crab apple trees are much more plentiful than apple trees. we have been fortunate this spring because trees, bushes and flowers are engulfed with beautiful blossoms! I enjoyed your "perhaps" story.

MitchyLR said...

I couldn't say if it's apple or crab-apple, but it certainly has beautiful blossom. Lovely shots.

Unknown said...

Beautiful blossoms!

Kay said...

Lovely blossoms I want to walk up and sniff them!

Jen said...

Very beautiful! Trees are quite something when in bloom.

Belita Isabel Janeira said...

Very beautiful blooms.. Trees in full blossom are fascinating, aren't they?

GardenOfDaisies said...

Either way, it's gorgeous!! I love apple blossoms.

Shane Pollard said...

Beautiful, beautiful blossom images JoAnn now you know Spring has arrived.
It's your story telling that I really love, I've got such a clear picture in my mind now of the dear mother rocking her baby beneath the tree - that's magical!
Shane ♥

genie said...

Whatever it or is beautiful. So filled with those white blossoms. Love the bits of yellow in the centers. genie

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Sweet ponderings, JoAnn! Love your beautiful photos and I can imagine the lovely scenes you describe! I often wonder about a beautiful flowering tree or shrub growing by itself; who planted it and why there? Lovely spring images. xoxo

greenthumb said...

So pretty, it looks a bit diferent from my crabapple but there must o many diferent types.

ClickNCamera said...

Lovely post and beautiful photos...reminds me to stop and appreciate my surroundings! Enjoy your day!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The blossoms are pretty and I like how you've imagined the tree in an earlier time.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Such a beautiful white, I can just imagine a bee enjoying herself buzzing about among the blossoms! Love your photos! I am visiting from Fishtail Cottage.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

I too love to imagine the history of things I see growing off by their lonesome. Gorgeous white blossoms! It looks more like an apple than a crabapple to me, but who knows? So many different varieties now days. Visiting from Fishtail Cottage. Now a new follower.