
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Water, Water Everywhere

Today we took a ride in the rain out to see a table that we might be interested it - it was not the table for us - but the weather gave me some good chances at rain photos.


Click to enlarge and you can see the rain drops in the water and on the goose's back and head

The water was not rough - that shows just how hard it was raining

More rain drops on  the back of the goose

Hello Ring Necked Duck - enjoying the rain?

You can see raindrops falling by his head - and rain on his back.  These guys can really motor!

 A lovely goose in a lovely rain.


  1. Some of us are better suited for rain than others! (I got caught in an afternoon rain shower here in Florida today. But I'm a former Oregonian and rain doesn't scare me...especially when it's warm out!)

    I love the way your pictures show the drops on their backs. Beautiful captures!

  2. Great shot of the rain bubbles on the feathers of the goose. Nice pictures. I bet it's nice to be in florida too. My husband is from there.

  3. And it looks like a cold rain as well? Especially appreciate your last photo of the full goose profile. Doesn't seem to mind the weather and you got some good shots as well by braving the weather, JoAnn.

  4. Better to have rain on a goose than on me LOL.



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