
Saturday, April 13, 2013


Sometimes it is harder to get a photo of one simple thing - than to get good shots filled with things.  These are my attempts at simplicity.

Nothing more simple than the full moon over the mountains.  For this photo I definitely had to use the tripod to keep the camera still.  I used auto focus, just to see what would happen, and I'm delighted with the results

Used zoom to 140X - it was a windy day so I tried swaying in the same way as the breeze - and it worked.

A single rose in a friends garden.  It was so long ago - and taken with a film camera, that I forget the settings, but I know there was a lot of fiddling to get it just right.


  1. These are nice, all of them. The pink blossoms really turned out special.

  2. I am mesmerized by the's a perfect example of simplicity and beauty! Beautiful photos!

  3. Lovely! I never see a perfect shot unless the wind is blowing it - or the wind picks up the moment I begin to focus.

  4. JoAnn, these are beautiful choices and photos! The moon shot is amazing. I can never get a good one of the moon and I realize I should use a tripod for it. Pamela

  5. The moon is huge, a wonderful shot; something to be said for using a tripod. The blossoms and rose are pretty.

  6. These are all terrific. That moon shot is a honey! Those autofocus features can be tricky at night, but you had plenty of light from the moon for your camera to use. I had to giggle though, because the moon is a really long way away, so manually setting it on the infinity setting would have worked, LOL! The flowers are just delightful too. I think you got the hang of the simplicity theme without any trouble at all!

  7. That is an amazing picture of the moon and how clever to sway with the wind. I've never thought of that. Those blossoms are so pretty

  8. Beautiful photos and I especially enjoyed reading the descriptions of how you achieved them. Neat!

  9. They are all beautiful. I love the moon one the best but the good ole film rose is a beauty too.

  10. The biggest moon ever. Makes one want to travel there - well almost!!!!
    Great shots all - love the blossoms and way you caught it in the breeze JoAnn!

    Happy weekend - Mary

  11. lovely photos for simplicity

  12. Boy, that moon shot was awesome. I saw a moon like that one night that was just HUGE out over the water. Most breathtaking thing I've ever seen. Glad you captured this one as well as the other beautiful shots.



  13. Sorry to be late! I was out of town...
    Oh, I Love them All! Nice job!


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