
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt - April 7

A-hunting we will go 


Across the street today this little lady was enjoying fresh spring sprouts

And this fella was sitting right near our deck - looking for something yummy to eat

Hello - how's things on that side of the fence?

Drat - squirrel-proof  bird feeder!

I found some seeds.

Those sloppy birds, dropping seeds everywhere

Mumble mumble - not enough  seeds - come back birds!!!


Soft green grass for a Trumpeter Swan

Comfort is mama nearby

In the Kitchen

Pretty dishes and yummy food

And a Canada Goose towel rack

Let's go into the kitchen this afternoon and  make an apple pie.  Let's use the handy-dandy old-fashioned apple peeler/corer

Fast work - 6 apples done in now time

Slice them in half in one swipe for each apple

All those cores and peelings - let's feed the deer

Deerie - you've got apple peeling hanging out of your mouth

You too - such manners


In the spring  the berries are usually all gone from the holly trees - the over-wintering birds eat them during harsh winters

We had almost no winter here in the Pacific Northwest this year - so the birds didn't need the berries.

A bright spring day this week  gives us a lovely contrast.

Thanks for coming along on the Scavenger Hunt 


  1. Great pics, I just love your Canada goose towel rails.
    Joy xx

  2. I loved your scavenger hunt JoAnn. Had a hard time choosingmy favourite photo but it has to be those horses chatting over the fence. (love the towel rack too as we get Canada geese here in North Yorkshire). It must be lovely to have deer so near to the house. We have them in our fields sometimes but we were amazed in Banff to see them wandering about front gardens (well, they were elk but almost the same thing). Lovely post today.

  3. Your photos are amazing ans show such a beautiful coexistance with the wildlife you have such respect for. I'm not surprised you are so often visited - for a snack, and just to look around, waiting to be photographed!
    I'm at the part in your book where the oil tank had to be secured by your dad and Jimmy. My goodness - what a job your guardian angels did for you on the day of the storm!

  4. I love the first little bird. I wonder what kind of bird it is? I don't think we have anything exactly like that here. It looks like some kind of wren or swallow.

  5. Great photos for the Hunt! I love the horses and the goose and goslings.

  6. You sure have fun with your camera! Love the picture of the horses!

  7. Love your photos but my favorite is the goose towel rack.

  8. Great interpretations!
    Love the bird shot!!
    I did squirrel for chattering too - cute and noisy little guys sometimes.
    Great deer shots! Last summer we left the apple peelings from canning our apples out for the deer too. You KNOW they will disappear. :)

  9. Wonderful set. Loved those shots of the Deer and Squirrel. Your captions were fun.
    Holly berries are so bright and cheery. Oh and I'd like a slice of that Apple Pie too!

  10. Wonderful photos Jo :0) Now I'm hungry for apple pie!!


  11. You have had a busy week, JoAnn.

    I really like the birdie and horse pictures. How fun to enjoy such a variety of wild life in your backyard.

    Great color contrast on your berry pictures.


  12. These are wonderful!! The bird is my favorite!!

  13. I just love the variety of animals you've shared! So nice to see swans and deer. I love black squirrels. We don't have them here.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!