Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Friday, April 5, 2013

Random 5 Friday

It is time for Five Random Things
These are all things that I like

1. I like to paint pretties on wood

2. I like anything crocheted in the pineapple pattern

3. I like making pincushions and needle keeps

4. I love Day-of-the-Week Dishtowels

5. I like to make christmas ornaments

6. I like an extra photo - because I want to show you how much I like to be organized.  

The top left is my pile of embroidery floss, and the other photos are the floss wound onto flat plastic bobbins and sorted by color.  I like organizing.


Peggy said...

I like all the things you like!! Not that I do many of them, except organize my embroidery floss, but by number,not color!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

I am exhausted just thinking about winding all that floss : )

That little hedgehog is a favorite of mine...

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Wow! I love the embroidery floss organized so nicely! The colors are beautiful. Makes me want to break out my cross stitch!

You have made some lovely things--love the pin cushions!

Latane Barton said...

Your crafts are very nice. I don't do much of that anymore but what I do is in a mess. Wish I had your organizing skills.

Silvia Vilela said...

Hello, your blog is beautiful, I went through Euphémie Beatrice, Karen, I hope you do not mind. My English is very precarious, but I understand well, write badly ...
Good love crafts, I am learning knitting and crochet, I was delighted with your points and your organization, congratulations!
A beautiful weekend and a big kiss

Crispy said...

I always wanted to try my hand at painting wood gee-gaws. Maybe I'll get around to it :0) Great photos again! I organized my floss like that too. I have 7 boxes of them.


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Very cute little things you have made, JoAnn! Your days of the week towels are sweet as can be and all those little pincushions are so cute. I like the 'melons for sale' sign and I have made something with the pineapple design, but so many years ago! My floss looks like the first photo- a big mess, but I will look for those plastic cards when I am out. I want to have all those gorgeous colors all lined up pretty like yours! xoxo

Messy Musings said...

totally looks like my collection of floss!! there are some things that must be organized - and floss is one of them!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Your craftiness is beautiful! Your wood signs, dishtowels and Christmas ornaments are right up my alley.

I am super organized also. Decreases my stress load!

Ranch Wife Robyn

barbara l. hale said...

You are very talented and VERY organized. Good for you!

Mary said...

I like all of the things you like! Especially the crocheted pineapples. They're beautiful. :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love your christmas ornaments - so fun!! have great one. ( :

Rambling said...

Wow - you are very creative. Love the pincushions!