Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, April 22, 2013

Flowers in the House

Ahhh spring - I love spring - I love flowers - I love flowers in the house 

Who can resist a pretty bouquet of Gladiolas from the market?

Violas, most of these overwintered on our deck, we had such a mild winter.

Pink Scilla - it was a volunteer in our yard

Pots of tiny roses - lovely centerpieces

This poppy  plant was growing IN the steps of this house.

Flowers in the fence

Flowers on the deck - hanging fuchsia 


flwrjane said...

Well done, flowers everywhere!

I love the violas, mine overwintered also.

And the poppy?

beyond fabulous.

Thanks for joining in the party!

xo jane

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I love flowers that peak through fences or stones. I had a shot of a yellow flower like that years ago, and it always makes me smile. I love the color of that fence and the pink flowers. SO pretty. Flowers = a good thing! So do your pictures!



The Quintessential Magpie said...

"Peek" through fences. Although those might have "peaked", too. LOL

Crispy said...

Beautiful. The flower peeking through the fence reminds me of fences covered in Florabunda, one of my favorites.


sweetbriardreams said...

I love the surprise of flowers peeking through anything. Your post is so beautifully colourful. Take care. Chel x

Kay said...

Those poppies are amazing! I love most any flowers and all of these are pretty. We brought home bunches of tulips from the festival and have been enjoying them for days.

Anonymous said...

The falling fuschia flowers are lovely.

Carletta said...

So many lovely blooms!
I love the weigela popping through the fence. The colors in that shot are gorgeous together.

Bare Mtn Farm said...

So many pretty flowers. How lovely to be surrounded by such beauty!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

I love the shots of the flowers plus china! :)