
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Big Boats Little Boats

Friday night is Alaska Ferry night.  The Alaska State Ferry docks at the Bellingham Ferry Terminal every Friday morning - and departs every Friday night - around 6 p.m.   I say "around" because it sometimes leaves at 6:02 and sometimes is still at the dock after 7:30 p.m. 

We take a picnic and eat in the car - while watching the cars, trucks, vans, campers, motor homes, semi trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, commercial trucks and once a self propelled cherry picker - load onto the ferry.  We try to guess which will be the last vehicle on board - judging by the staging area that we drove past to get to our viewing spot.  We are sometimes correct in our guess.

There are also boats in the bay - some close to the ferry - some farther out in the bay.   There is always something interesting going on around the ferry.  People walking along the decks, some people setting up their tents on the back decks - everyone is getting ready for an exciting trip to Alaska.

Kayaks at the bow of the ferry

A sailboat passing the bow of the ferry

It was windy and very cold last Friday

But they fearlessly paddled on

Taking a rest

And back towards the ferry

The captain blows the whistle - loud and long - to warn the kayakers

And the ferry departs - the evening sun reflecting on the windows


  1. Cool post, I enjoyed riding the ferry boats in Washington state. The views from the ferry looks beautiful, I love the mountains. Love the photos and your mosaic. Have a happy week!

  2. Wonderful post and fantastic mosaic of photos ^_^

  3. Wow, Jo these are wonderful, the sun setting in the ferry windows is gorgeous.

  4. Brave people kayaking around a huge ferry. Wonderful scenery in the background.

  5. Big boat, little boat... such a fun theme!



  6. Fun! AND it does look cold and windy. Rainy and chilly here this morning and I just got a little chillier looking at these fun photos! :)

  7. Fun post. I have been out in the water stuck between boats and a little freaked out. I don't usually go out when it is cold and windy, but I guess you go out when you can.

  8. I love ferry boat rides :0) Boy those kyakers must have been hardy folks, I wouldn't be out there paddling on a cold windy day LOL.



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