
Friday, April 5, 2013

A Favorite Thing

Our mountain is Mt. Baker- it is about 50 miles from our house - and visible from all over our county, from areas in Skagit County, from Whidbey Island and from British Columbia. It is a majestic  mountain - just over 10,000 feet high and holds the record for the most snow in one season - over 94 FEET of snow - now that is a lot of snow.  You can drive up the mountain to the ski areas, or go beyond to picnic areas, lakes and hiking trails.  Many days the mountain is covered in clouds - but when it is out  -  it is the most splendid view anywhere.  I never tire of taking pictures of Mt. Baker. 

From a farm view

Above the trees

With snow melting in the spring

Or from an airplane as we circled Bellingham on our trip back from Wisconsin.  It is awesome to be so close to a mountain. I was in an aisle seat and took these photos out the window, across the other passengers - dodging the little kids' heads across the aisle from me.  Once they saw that I was taking photos they were so sweet and sat very still.  The plane was actually lower than the top of the  mountain.

Another view from the plane as we circled the whole mountain - one of the most exciting experiences!!!!

With snow melting away in the summer

Or peeking over a hill in the Skagit Valley, fields of daffodils in the foreground

From the other side at Baker Lake, on a stormy day with only bits of the mountains showing now and then.

 With most of the snow melted in the summer

Sitting next to The Sisters in summer

And in the winter

         Good night mountain



  1. It's one of my favourite things too. There are a couple of places on my daily routes that offer a great view of Mt Baker on the right day. It's nice to have this wonderful view in common.

  2. How impressive-- nothing like that in the Midwest!!

  3. Exquisite photographs Joann. So good to take from a plane. We flew over a glacier in Greenland a couple of years ago and I alwsys wish I had stood up and asked if could lean across the folk opposite and take a photograph out of the window - it was spectacular.

  4. Wow, what absolutely beautiful views! You are so lucky! :-)

  5. Oh wow!!!! Magnificant photos of natures magnificance. I love the Mountains. I love picture number 5 with the clouds over the mountains. Wow.

  6. I love it in the mornings and evenings when Baker & Rainier look like big dishes of strawberry ice cream :0)


  7. Great views! I love all of them! We get views of Baker here. They're a treat on clear days but they are always very distant and ethereal. It's nice to see it in its many moods, closer.

  8. Those photos are awesome, JoAnn! The photos from the plane are amazing! I love the layers of clouds. And the different views from everywhere are wonderful. I especially love the one of the mountain peeking over the daffodil fields. Hugs, xoxo

  9. Your Mount Baker is wonderful! I have seen it up close and it's magical.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  10. That is one gorgeous mountain! I can see why you love it so.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  11. Wow these photos are amazing! Especially the ones from the plane where you were below the peak. Love the one of the daffodils in front of it.

  12. I love your mountain too JoAnn! I've seen it often when traveling to and around the Pacific Northwest - and I have friends in Bellingham, a town I really enjoy visiting! The photos are glorious - the 'field of gold' daffodils is awesome.

    Happy weekend in your beautiful part of the country.
    Visiting you from Claudia's 'A Favorite Thing'.
    Mary - A Breath of Fresh Air

  13. Gorgeous photos! Found you on A Favorite Thing and I'd love to have you stop by and share your post on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

  14. What amazing views! Your photo's are beautiful.

  15. Your images of the mountain are splendid, JoAnn! What a majestic and glorious view you have. It truly is so inspiring and you must love seeing it change throughout the seasons and all the different weather. Thank you for posting thes pictures! They're wonderful!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!