
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekly Top Shot - Crocus

Every spring this yard in Bellingham is covered in crocus.  You have to drive down a little alley and look between bushes - but the reward is great - a yard full of crocus.



  1. Beautiful! someone loved crocuses, and so nice to see that spring is coming!

  2. A sure sign the Spring is near with so many lovelies popping their blossoms above ground. Love their purple color.

  3. These just blow me away Joann - crocus are so good en masse
    and I particularly like the purple ones. You have reminded me
    that in a sheltered spot in the garden I have some purple striped ones
    - I shall now go and see if they are out yet. (No, but they are showing a tiny bit of colour in each centre.)

  4. how i would love to have a yard like this!

  5. Beautiful! I've seen a few crocus buds around Sequim, but no flourishing blooms like this! What a treat! This would be worth returning to each year.

  6. These shots are so beautiful. I love crocuses, especially the purple mixed with white, so fresh and ready for a new start.

  7. Those are a welcome sight, for sure! It's so gray & drab, here, & I can't wait for some color & Spring =)

  8. Wow! I love a whole field of flowers! Those are amazing. Must not be any squirrels there!

  9. Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #72!


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