
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Weekend Reflections

Last week I took a picture of  some stones in a pond of water - we went back this weekend - and the pond had begun to dry up - the stones were already almost out of the water.

We went back this weekend - and the pond had begun to dry up - the stones were already almost out of the water.

Mallards swimming among the reflections.

Reflections swimming alone

Last weeks reflection

This week the reflections were more intense on the still water


  1. Very very pretty serene shots.

  2. amazing shots, what a beautiful, serene place on the pond. If it is drying up already that does not bode well for spring and summer does it?

  3. Beautiful pictures. What a shame that the pond is drying up it seems like a perfect place for a pond.

  4. It would be interesting to see these pictures the other way up JoAnn - they really are very beautiful and so restful.

  5. Wow - those last reflections are amazing! So abstract...

  6. Beautiful pictures! Love the reflections.

  7. I just love the one with the trees : it looks like some strange swamp forest...

  8. Those photos are fantastic JoAnn. I bet if you had a chance to go back there at sunset or sunrise you'd be in for a treat.

  9. What beautiful shots of those rocks and the pond. It looks so peaceful there.
    I am your newest follower.
    Have a nice week,

  10. How beautiful, thank you so much JoAnn for sharing them at our party. I love them all but my favorite is the last one, it's amazing!


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